Chapter 10

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Edited: 15th April, 2021

"Tired of trying,

I want to stop crying. I want to move on, But always this heart won.

Is there a place where I can go,
Forget about you and be alone.
I am tired of being sad and depressed,
And want to end this suffering and distress."
- LK 🖤

"I spend sleepless nights wondering why I loved you. I fell for your acts and now even after knowing that was probably fake... I still can't help and not hate you.

You spend your nights with your friends. I am happy to see you smile. You are the reason mine's lost somewhere... but I don't know why I still treasure yours."
- LK


"You should have looked at your expression." He said chuckling. I poked my tongue out at him. "You are an idiot," I said and tried to kick him but he held my leg mid-air and pulled me towards him. I almost again fell on him but this time he caught me.

"Careful baby girl. We don't want to fall again now. Do we?" He asked smirking and left my leg. I huffed. "See! That is why I won't talk to you." I said and walked towards the couch. I heard him laughing behind me.

"Pretty please?" He asked with puppy eyes. "What is happening?" Andrew asked as he made himself comfortable on the couch. "He..." I started but stopped. Well, I can't even say that. I again glared at Derek. He smirked at me. "You are such an idiot!" I said and hit him. "He what?" Andrew asked raising an eyebrow. "He nothing! He is just a piece of spoiled cake." I said. Derek chuckled. I again glared at him.

"Stop that," I said looking at him. "Okay just talk to me. Or else I'll tell them the candy incidence." He said blackmailing me. "You won't dare!" I said angrily and hit him. "But princess I can." He said smirking. "Talk to me." He said again with a smile. I gave up and nodded. "Just don't do that again," I mumbled and sat down next to Andrew. He and Xavier were just looking at us.

"I want to know the candy incidence!" Mike said as he came running towards us and jumped on me and sat on my lap. "Trust me it was really funny," Derek said looking at me with a smirk.

"Huh. You can tell them." I sighed.


I officially hate Derek. "Okay so there was this park we would go to every day and there was a candy shop just across the street where she used to spend most of her time." He said. "So obviously I would be with her there too. And we would always eat candies sitting there and since the owner liked us, especially her, they would allow us to play around there." He said. Everyone likes her. Who will not like her? She is such a kind soul.

"So, once she ate so many candies that she was high on sugar. I had to handle her the whole day and then since her aunt wasn't home I took her to my house. She was literally shouting Vampires and Werewolves are real and there is a supernatural world..." He was saying but Angelina cut him off.

"You don't need to say that!" She shouted. "Yes, I do!" He mimicked her. She groaned. "If you tell them then I will tell them how you were drunk and then called me and started crying, saying how irritating the people around you were." She said. "Oh. You just said that!" He said rolling his eyes. 

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