Chapter 39

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"You ready?" Andrew asked me. I nodded and loaded the gun ready to shoot if needed. "Third floor..." He again started reminding me what to do but I cut him off. "I know," I said. "Fine." He scoffed and nodded his head gesturing me to go ahead.

I was told that I have to go to the third floor and sneak into the main circuit room and cut off the power supply. According to Oliver, Xavier was being kept on the top floor. Right now it's 12 am and we are dealing with a gang of some Vampires.

I was on the second floor and I didn't run into anyone till now. I was more alert knowing that it wasn't supposed to be so easy. I clutched the gun firmly and continued to move with caution.

"Hey, kid." I heard a voice calling and I instantly turned around pointing the gun at the guy who stood there with a smirk on his face. "You think you can just shoot me?" He asked chuckling. "I will if needed," I said with a blank face.

"Try me, sweetheart." He said licking his lips and tilted his head making his fangs come out and his eyes turned red. Blood red.

I gulped and shot him on his thigh. He let out an evil chuckle and clicked his tongue. "You see sweetheart, I am a vampire and I won't be affected by it." He said smirking.

I clicked my tongue and smirked back. "Oh dear but this will," I said and removed another gun that had bullets of pure silver. I shot him on his other thigh before he could realize what was happening and ran upstairs.

Many Vampires came in my way but they all were caught off guard when I shot them all in their legs. They were surely stupid. They will heal in some time. I finally reached the room and shut the power off. Now all the cameras were out. It was one of the witches who was currently distracting the people in the camera room.

"You are a human kid and you think you can survive here?" I heard a voice and turned to see a really large man. My eyes widened and before I could shoot he came towards me in lightning speed and snatched the gun away from me.

"Kids shouldn't play with this." He said and threw the gun away. I quickly removed the knife but he was really fast and twisted my hand making the knife fall down.

I groaned and tried to free my hand but in vain. He was too strong. "Let's take you to your mate." He said smirking and injected me with something. My vision became blurry and I fell limp in his arms.


A really sweet aroma filled my nostrils and I somehow knew it was Angelina. Something inside of me was exploding with joy but something told me that she shouldn't have been here and if she is then she is in a danger.

The door of the room slammed opened and I saw that stupid Vampire who was torturing me earlier holding Angelina like she is a sack of potato. I trashed in the chair trying to break free. "Leave her!" I shouted. It wasn't sounding like my voice though. It was deeper and a bit distorted and it felt like it held a lot of authority. It was that strong.

"Ah. Found your weakness, didn't we?" He asked with a smirk and kept her on the chair. "If you keep quiet and co-ordinate with us you we will keep her here with you and will not touch her. But if you don't then... I guess you can guess." He said staring at her. I again tried to break free.

"LET HER GO!" I growled and my voice was booming. I am sure the whole building heard it. "Tell us the information!" He snarled. "I don't know anything!" I shouted back feeling helpless. I really didn't know anything and they think they can take out inside information out of me about some stupid ceremony my real parents are planning. They think its a trap or something.

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