Chapter 41: what I've learned

Start from the beginning

"Oh I don't know Lord Voldemort" he says sarcastically

"Lord Voldemort is not back Mr.potter now I don't want to hear you speaking this nonsense" she says a little louder than before.

"So according to you Cedric Diggory dripped dead on his own accord?" Harry says frustration leaking from his voice.

Professor umbridge walks past Harry with a stern look but a fake smile on her face as he walk between the rows of desks "now let me make this clear you have heard that a certain dark wizard has returned" She says voice going a little unsteady

"This is not a lie, I seen him, I fought him" Harry says angered a bit but remaining calm.

"Enough! Mr.potter detention after class I'll see you in my office" she says plastering a smile on and giggling.

The class remains quiet for the rest of that of he hour and I end up falling asleep on Draco's arm while lacing our fingers together.

"Love.." I hear a whisper and feel someone like me.

"Love...wake up!" They whisper loudly

"I swear to fucking hell leave. Me. Alone and let me sleep" I say harshly not wanting to be woken up.

But of course I get woken up by a loud screeching bitch "miss.diaz detention after class along with mr.potter" I hear umbridge say plopping a book on my desk.

Okay so I know what your gonna think. What the hell Vivian you can't go all angry god on her for something so little. But what you have to understand is there's a lot of anger penting up and I'm not gonna let some toad disrespect me I'm an the superior here.

"Go. Fuck. Yourself. You ugly seething toad" I say glaring at her with so much power I feel my eyes glowing a little bit too bright than they should and I can tell she's noticed. Because I see her cowering a little.

I get up and and grab the book throwing it at her desk which breaks because of my demigod strength...or maybe it's my god strength who knows? and I walk out slamming the door.


Since I have thirty minutes of free time I go to the common room to catch up on reading and listen to music on my phone.
I wait and just read my twilight series book near the end of the book hoping to finish it.

After finishing my book I look at the time and see what time it is and It's time to head to barfidge's office so I head out and stuff my book in my bag and head out.


I knock on the door and hear her say "doors open"

I walk in and am greeted by her and take a seat in one of her pink chairs, actually this whole entire place is filled with pink and kitten pictures. What the hell did I walk Into? a six year olds room?

"Would you like some tea dear?" Says placing a cup of tea down in front of me but I shake my head no and roll my eyes in annoyance waiting for Harry to come in.

"Ahh mr.potter glad you are here" she says giving a fake smile to Harry and me both as he sits down.

"Today you will be writing line on a piece of parchment" she says handing us each a piece of paper.

I go to get my quill out of my bag I've been using Them a lot lately I like them better than pens.

"Oh you won't be using those quills I have one for you both" she says handing me and Harry and quill.

"Won't we need some ink to write with" Harry says trying to be calm and polite

"No you won't be needing any for these quills" she says looking at Harry then me before smiling briefly.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now