~*~Chapter 38~*~

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Chapter 38

-(Katsuki's POV)-

I hate seeing him like this. He's shaking and sobbing and there is nothing I can do to help him. Round face starts cleaning his upper arm for the second needle and this only makes his shaking worse. Now his breathing was starting to go so I grab his oxygen mask and slowly put it on him making sure not to add to his stress.

"Kitten last needle and then no more pokes. Please just calm down and breath." I run my hand through his hair.

"J-just w-wait!"I nod my head and stop Round face from putting the needle in.

"That's it just breath we won't let her put it in  until your ready."Sho says while rubbing Deku's cheeks.

After about five minutes his breathing was calmed down and Witch bitch was ready with the needle.

"Hey baby can we put the needle in? I'll hold and you don't have to look at the needle." I rub his shoulder.

"Kacchan, c-can you hold me..."He looked like a puppy that just got kicked.

"Yes baby of course I can." I switch places with Sho.

"I'm going to put the needle right here so you can move around easier and it will hurt less when you move." She points to the top of his hand.

He nods and she cleans the top of his hand. She purposely kept the needle out of sight so he wouldn't see it and freak. This is the calmest he's ever been before a needle.

"Okay baby look at me. Uraraka will count down as she puts the needle in. Then you're going to feel a small poke and then it's all done." Sho turns his head to the left away from round face and he starts to cry.

"Okay honey 3...2...1."

"Ow ow ow!"He started sobbing.

"Okay all done!"She easy while putting tape on it and attaching the IV bag.

"Oh baby you were so brave! You wanna get out of this swaddle?"Sho questions which he answers with a nod.

He was so sweaty and I felt awful for him. He wasn't comfortable and their were to many people. I could tell he was starting to get grumpy and would probably start crying again if he didn't get sleep, a bath, and new clothes.

"Yo round face can he take a bath and get changed? He needs sleep and quiet frankly I wouldn't be able to sleep like this either."

"Yes he can but make sure it's not super hot and keep his IV out of the water. The heat will only raise his fever. There is a bathroom down the hall to the left."I pick him and start to head down the hall.

-(Shoto's POV)-

"Hey Sho can you run to the house and grab us all some sleep ware and his pillow. I don't think we're going to be leaving tonight. Maybe ask Shitty hair what he needs because Denki is looking worse than Izuku."

"Nooo Sho don't leave.."Izuku started to make grabby hands towards me.

"Baby me of Sho have to go and get our things because we aren't going home tonight. So who do you want to give you a bath?"

"Mmnnn"He started to fuss like a two year old and was trying to get out of Kat's arms.

"I'll stay with him you go get the stuff." I take Izuku into my arms and go into the bathroom.

Kat walks away back into the infirmary to talk to Kirishima. I keep him in my arms and start to rub the bath. His eyes were starting to shut so I knew this would be a quick bath.

I take off his sweaty clothes and set them in the sink I then slowly set him in the tub which was luke warm. He didn't seem to like this because he tried turning the bath heat up. Although after I grabbed a cup and dumped some of the water over his head the cool water seemed to put him at peace. His eyes started closing again so I quickly finished cleaning him and wait about 5 minutes before Kat walks in with his fluffy towel.

I pull him out of the water and Kat wraps him in the towel and then we head back to the room. There was a curtain we could pull around to give him privacy so we pulled that around and got him dressed. At this point he couldn't keep his eyes open. He made grabby hands towards me and Kat so we climbed on the bed with him.

He laid on my chest and immediately fell asleep. Kat had given Kirishima and Denki their belongings and Kirishima went to give Denki a bath.

-(Kirishima's POV)-

Bakubro came in and asked me what I needed from out house so I just gave him a small list of the essentials.

He came back about 10 minutes later and placed it on the floor next to the bed in a duffle bag. He told me I could give Denki a bath after Izuku was out.

A little later and Todoroki walked with Izuku in his arms. So I lightly shook Kami to get him up. He slowly opened his eyes to where they were half lidded.

"Wanna take a cool bath?"

He nods and then we head out to the bathroom with his towel.

-(Shoto's POV)-

About half an hour later Momo walks in with a clipboard. This freaked me out a little. What was wrong with our boyfriend.

"Guys this isn't good. I know you remember how Denki got neko fever awhile ago well both of them have it. The worst part about this is it means there going be in pain. You both should know neko fever comes with headache, fever, body aches, and nausea. Your going to have to be patient with him."

We both nod and I rub his back knowing this was going to be the only peaceful sleep he gets for the next 3 to 4 day. This is going to be hell.

-1025 words-

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