~*~Chapter 35~*~

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Chapter 35

-(Katsuki's POV)-

Kirishima came back with two bags of their things and took them up to the guest room. After that he can down with a blanket and layer it on top of Izuku who was still sleeping on Denki.

"Denki do you wanna move to a bed?"Sho questioned.

"No I don't wanna wake him up..."He looked down at Izuku.

There was a loud bang on the door that obviously woke Deku and said sudden loud noise made him start to cry because it would stop.

I walk to the door to see Mina, Uraraka, and Iida. I scream at them for banging on the door and weakening Deku.


"Oh my god I'm so so sorry I didn't think they would be alseep. We were just worried about what had happened."

-(Izuku's POV)-

I wake up to a loud banging on the door and I start to panic and cry thinking that the men had come back. My back was throbbing and it really hurt. So with the sudden stress and pain in my back there was no holding back my tears.

Kami wasn't in a better state than I was he had also started to shake but was able to hold back his tears.

"Baby come here."Sho gently picked me up and sat me in his lap on my bean bag.

Kiri had laid down on the couch with Kami to calm him down. At that point Kami had also let his tears out.

I couldn't catch me breath between sobs so Sho laid down allowing me to hear his heartbeat. He ran his hands through my hair and down my neck. This calmed me down after a minute of him doing it and then Kacchan walked over with Uraraka and Iida.

"Hey babe they wanted to check on you. It's ok it you just want to rest." Kacchan rubbed my arm.

"N-no it's alright..."i kept my head on Sho's chest just resting as Uraraka and Iida talk to me.

After about 20 minutes of them talking my eyes started to get heavy and I think Kacchan and Sho noticed because Sho slowly got up and started to head to our room.

"Sho I want snuggles..."

"With both of us or will one of us do?"


He laid me in the middle of the bed and walked over and grabbed his tablet. He tucked me under the covers and told me to stay still.

"I'll be right back baby."He kissed me on the head and walked out of the room.

-(Shoto's POV)-

I walk downstairs to find Kat talking to Uraraka and Iida while Kirishima is holding Denki Koala style.

"Bye guys!"Uraraka semi shouts and grabs Iida and Mina's hand walking out.

"Ugggg, they are to much stress."Kat runs his hands through his hair.

"Well you'll be able to destress with Izuku because he want to cuddle with us. He needs a nap."I walk up to him and hug him.

"Sweet because I also need a nap."Kat nuzzled into my neck.

"Aww aren't you guy a bunch of big babies!"Kirishima squeals.

"Oh shut it hair for brains. It's not like you don't cuddle with Denki."Kat remarks.

"Well ok fine you got me there. Speaking of that I'm gonna nap with Denki as well."

Kirishima walks up and into his room. Kat and I follow suit and head into our room where Izuku made grabby hands at us. Kat takes off his shirt and changed into sweat pants and I grabbed shorts and a T shirt. We both climb into our bed on either side of Izuku and snuggle up to him.

He slowly turned to face Kat and wrapped his tail around my waist pulling me in. I decided to sit up because I wasn't to tired. I read a book that I had set my side table while my two boyfriends slept.

They both honestly needed it. Izuku does for obvious reasons. Kat needs the sleep because he had been working hard on plans for defense around our clan. He had been working really hard and pushing his limits.

They both slept for about an hour before Kat woke up.

"Hey Kat how ya feeling?" I brush the hair out of his face.

"A lot better. Dam I didn't realize how tired I was until I got in bed."

"I mean you do work a lot in the plans for our clan. You have to remember your limits."

"Yeah yeah. What time is it?"

"It's about 2:00 pm."

"Okay well speaking of work I want to build a wall around our clan and maybe get more pack members."

"I don't think we need more members we already have 10 including us. But I do agree we should build a wall and build defenses."

As we're talking I feel a little someone shift next to me and make a small squeak. His emerald green eyes slowly open and he starts to whimper.

"Hey what's wrong kitten?"

"N-nothing my back it just sore."

"It'll be like that for awhile but it'll slowly get better. Katsuki did the same thing a few months back and let's just say he was a big fat baby. Your being so brave un-like him." I ran my hand through his hair.

"Hold up. Hold up. I was not a baby tell me one thing I did that was babish."

"Well you cried like one when Momo popped it back in and wouldn't stop until Momo put you to sleep with gas. You whined when I put the brace on you in the mornings. You had me carry you around our tent. Yo-"

"THANK YOU SHOTO!"Kat put a hand over my mouth.

All I heard was Izuku giggle in between us and I felt a smile spread across my face. Even in the worst situations our little pice of sunshine would always shine. His laugh ended up making me and Kat laugh as well and in that moment it was pure happiness.

-1024 words-

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