~*~Chapter 34~*~

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Chapter 34

-(Shoto's POV)-

I sit while Momo takes the x-ray of Izuku's chest just hoping he was alright. Izuku till had his tail wrapped around my arm and had his hand griped to Kat's hand.

"His ribs look to be fine although that spinal dislocation was pretty bad... in all honesty I'm glad that all that happened."Momo state cleaning up her supplies.

Kiri had moved so now we were all sat on the small blanket.

"I'm putting the both of them on bed rest. I want them close together at all times. As you three can see they both are nekos duh. This being said they will be clinging due to all the stress and you three can expect them to be jumpy."

"But why do they have to be near each other?" Katsuki question looking up at her.

"Denki took on Izuku as if he were his younger brother. After this event he's gonna be protective. During his panic attack he kept asking for Izuku but I was worried he would only stress Izuku out more. Splitting them apart now would only worsen their mental states."

"Ok but can they be separated while asleep? I don't know about you two but I like sleeping with my boyfriends and then exclusively."Katsuki's comments.

"Yes they can, but I still want you guys in the same house so they aren't to far apart from each other."

"We can take them back to our house we have an extra bed you two can sleep in."I proclaim.

"Before you go I have a couple of rules for each of them.
-no running or jumping, but he can walk SHORT distances.
-no sex
-He must wear the brace 24hours for 2 days but he may take baths without it after the two days he only has to wear it for the day and can sleep without it.
-no showers
-and lastly he needs plenty of sleep

As for Denki he is a little different because of the circumstances.
-no running or jumping but he can also walk short distances
-no sex either
-he can't be alone
-if he asks for Izuku take him to him
-and a lot of sleep as well

That's all so now be gentle and take them back and keep them in bed the rest of the day." Momo picks up the last of her stuff and beings to walk off.

I gently pick up Izuku making sure to be careful in the way I hold his back not wanting to aggravate his injury.

We get to our house and Kat takes Denki and Kirishima to the best room and I take Izuku to ours. I set him down and change him into comfortable clothing.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen where Kat and Kirishima has already started cooking lunch.

"You guys want help?"I wrap my arms around Kat's waist.

"Sure. can you grow some vegetables and make some salad while we cook the meat?"


I walk outside and grow some plants and start to pick them. Once I was done I headed back inside and finished making the salads.

We were all going to be eating chicken salad with some apple juice. Although the apple juice was for the nekos because Kat, Kirishima and I are going to have water because we don't care for apple juice.

"Who's gonna wake them?"I ask looking at the other two males.

"I say let's wake Deku first and let him wake Denki. It'll just be easier so then Denki won't freak about Deku being missing."

"Good idea bakubro. Let's go." We all walk upstairs and I go into the room with Kat to get Izuku.

Kat walks up to Izuku and starts to rub his arm gently waking him up. His eyes barely opens his eye and yawns looking up at Kat.

"Hey baby it's time for lunch. We gotta wake Denki up. Want me to help you up and carry you?"He simply nods and Kat gently picks him up into a Koala hold him watching to see if he is hurting his back.

We walk out and into the room Denki and Kirishima are staying in. We quietly walk in and Kat slowly places Izuku on the other side of the bed. Izuku slowly crawls over and just snuggles next to Denki.

"Izuku your suppose to wake him not fall back asleeeeeep."Kirishima whined making us all laugh.

Izuku nuzzled into Denki's chest and slowly Denki did wake up but Izuku had fallen back asleep.

"Denki babe it time for lunch..."Kiri says rubbing his back.

"Are they gone?"He looked back at Kirishima and held onto Izuku.

"Yes baby. Now how about we get food?"

Denki nods and re-awakes Izuku who made grabby hands towards me. I gently pick him up and we all walk down stairs.

-(Katsuki's POV)-

We set Izuku and Denki down on the couch and grab their food. We had little trays that allows them to have a little table on the couch for their food.

Sho, Kiri, and I decide to sit at the table and eat. After we are done eating we noticed how quiet the two nekos are being. We walk over aI'mnd see that Deku had fallen back asleep and Denki had moved so Izuku was sleeping on him with his head on his chest.

"You guys good like that?"Kirishima questioned.

"Yeah... promise they won't come back?" Denki looked to Kirishima while once again gripping onto Izuku.

"Yes baby and even if they do come back they will never touch you ever again."He kneeled down and took one of Denki's hands placing a kiss on it.

"Now I'm going to go get some cloths and stuff for us because we're gonna stay here for a little while. Okay baby?"

Denki nods and Kirishima makes his way to the doors but just before he walks out he turns and blows Denki a goodbye kiss.

-1005 words-

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