~*~Chapter 5~*~

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Chapter 5

-(Shoto's POV)-

Once Izuku had fallen asleep, Katsuki mentioned he needed to talk to me which made me worry. I was thinking of all the possibilities and only snap out of it when Katsuki taps me in the shoulder.

"So can we?" I nod.

"Okay, so you know how you and I both are ok with a poly relationship?"

"Yeah?" I question more than answer.

"I was wondering if we could ask Deku to join our relationship. If you don't want to, it's completely fine with me." Katsuki says while looking from me to Izuku. I smile.

"Of course Kat! I've been wanting to ask the same thing, actually," I say with a slight smile.

We hug each other and go to finish packing. About an hour into us packing, we hear a groan from deku. We look back and see him start stirring, so I walk over to him and rub his back while Katsuki gets pain killers for him.

"Shoto get some fruit. He can't take these on an empty stomach." I nodded.

I reach into one of my pouches and pull out strawberry and blueberry seeds, and put them in the ground. I use my magic, and the plants are fully grown seconds later. I put the ripe fruits in a bowl while still rubbing Izuku's back. When Izuku wakes up, he reaches down to hold his cast.

"S-Sho.." He says with tears in his eyes.

"Does it hurt that much?" I ask with a tint worry in my voice.

All he does is nod, and Katsuki walks over to us with the medicine and water. He hands it to me and helps Izuku sit up. Once he's behind Izuku I put the food in front of him. He's still gripping his shin so I put a strawberry up to his mouth. He took it through tears of pain. Soon enough we were halfway through the bowl, so I picked up the water and pills to give to him.

"T-thank you." It broke my heart to see him in so much pain.

Katsuki and I sat with him until the pain died down and then we went back to packing. I could tell Izuku wanted to get up and walk around, I mean, who wouldn't? He hasn't been able to run around, and nekos have a very high energy level.

After an hour of us packing, I look over to see our neko is gone. He's not where we had left him. I frantically turn my head to look around our tent.


-(Katsuki's POV)-

I hear Shoto yell that he's gone, which first confuses me, until it clicks. Deku is gone!


Shoto grabs my arm to calm me down.

"Okay, Kat, let's breath. He couldn't have gotten far and he seemed to like us so I doubt he left. Let's calm down and go look for him."

We both take a deep breath and head outside to go look for Deku. We start to walk around when we bump into shitty hair.

"Hey shitty hair, have you seen Deku?"

"Who's Deku? Oh! Do you mean Izuku?" He says, slight confusion in his tone.

"Yes!" I say, more pissed off.

"Yeah I did, he and Denki were heading to the flower field by the river. He insisted on jumping on one foot to get there, but I just carried him. I can take you to him if you'd like!" He exclaims with a smile.

"That would be great, Kirishima," Icy Hot deadpans.

We all start walking to the field when I see Deku and Denki with flower crowns. He was smiling brightly, but that didn't stop Shoto and I from running up to him and pulling him into a tight hug. We release when we hear him whimper.

"Sorry! Did I push on your injuries?!" I felt horrible and instantly started looking for any bleeding.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I hear him giggle. Shoto and I had never hear him laugh, much less giggle, before, so our hearts just melted.

"What's so funny?"

"Well you guys are being silly! why do you both look so stressed? Also, why did you bear hug me out of nowhere?" He asks with a smile.

"YOU DISAPPEARED! WHY WOULDN'T WE BE SCARED?!" He flinches, looks up at Sho and I, and starts to tear up.

"B-but I-I did tell you..." he says, just above a whisper.

At this point I look over to Sho, seeing him just as confused as I am, while Denki hugs Deku to calm him down.

"When did you tell us this Izuku?" Shoto asks in a calm tone, because right now, I'm incapable of doing so.

"You g-guys were w-working for half an hour s-so I said I was going to look around.." While answering he never once looks at us, and just keeps his head on Denki's chest.

I put my hands over my eyes and look up. He did say he was going to look around, but I'd brushed it off.

"Deku, we aren't mad. I did hear you, but I didn't think anything of it so I forgot," Shoto nodded his head at my statement.

I look back down to see Deku doing grabby hands at Sho and I. Without a second thought, I pick him up. He wraps his legs around my waist, and his arms around my neck. He lays his head down on my shoulder, so I start playing with his tail. He purrs until Shoto comes behind him and hugs us, which sandwiches his small frame between ours. He squeaks at the sudden intrusion, but quickly relaxes and purrs as Shoto starts petting his ears.

"We're sorry for scaring you, kitten," Shoto and I say in unison

"It's okay!" He gives us a genuine smile, then goes back to nuzzling into my neck.

"Okay, well let's get back to the tent, dinner should be ready in about an hour and a half," Sho comments.

I nod and so does Kitten, who waves goodbye to Denki and Kirishima. He tells me to put him down so he can show something to Shoto and I. I hesitantly do as he asks, making sure he doesn't hit his foot on the ground. He puts his hands on the ground and to my disbelief he goes up into a handstand and begins walking down the path. Scared of him falling, I rush over and put him on my shoulder.


I hear the new nickname and bring him down so that I'm holding him in the bridal position.

"What did you call me?" He immediately starts to blush but all I could to was chuckle at how he reacted.

"I-I c-called you Kacchan..." He looks away from me.

"I love it," I pull him up and kiss him on the forehead, which only makes his blush grow more.

Shoto comes over after laughing a bit and also kisses him on the forehead. At this point he was hiding his face in his arms. Afterwards, we get back to the tent, set him down with his book and pencil, once again starting to work but keeping a closer eye on him.

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