~*~Chapter 33~*~

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Chapter 33

-(Izuku's POV)-

Within seconds Kiri flew Momo to us. Mina had also grab Sho and Kacchan.

"Ok I already know what happened after Kirishima and Mina got here but I need more information. Like why is he on the ground?" Momo asks while moving to my side.

"W-when we were were explori-"Denki breaks off into a sob.

Kiri pulls him from the ground into a tight hug trying to calm him down. Denki was slipping in and out of a panic attack...

"Ngh w-when we were running from them I f-fell from a t-tree. Ow" I tried sitting up again just to have a pain shoot through my back.

"Denki your safe just breath baby... breath."Denki's panic attack was in full swing.

"H-help Denki p-please."He needs more help than I do so I can wait.

"Okay but do not move I believe you hurt your neck or back."She then move to help Kiri who is struggling to keep Denki calm.

"Hey baby how are you feeling?"Sho had moved to my left side and rubbed circles on my hand with his thumb.

"I'm fine... but p-please help me sit up there's a r-ock under me."

At this point I'm done and just want to go to sleep. My back was killing me and my chest was on fire.

"Tch fine."

Kacchan moved behind me and slowly lifted me barely an inch up. He had lightly placed me onto his lap keeping my back straight. My butt was still on the ground but my head and most of my torso were in his lap.

"That better kitten?

"Y-Yeah can we go home." My tears are starting to form.

"No not yet Momo has to look at your back... I'm sorry baby please don't cry."Sho starts rubbing my arm.

"N-no I wanna go h-home."My tears had started to break through.

I feel like a spoiled child. I can't take anymore. I'm trying to hold back the ever growing panic in my chest but it's not working. Denki needs the help not me... I need to be strong.

Those men did awful thing to me and mom. They held me down as dad did awful things to mom. They beat and screamed at me...

No I refuse to give in to my anxiety...

While I was deep in thought I hadn't realized that Momo had calmed down Denki to where he was now sleeping. She was now at my right side.

"Sorry sweetheart but I'm gonna have to get you on your side and take off your shirts."

Momo was being extra gentle while taking of my vest and shirt but it still didn't help with the discomfort. She had put a blanket under me and moved the rocks and sticks so when she set me down I wasn't on the had ground.

She got me on me side and Sho laid down next to me keeping me stable. I nuzzled my head into his chest looking for some form of comfort.

"Ok Izuku I'm gonna run my two fingers down you spine to see if anything is out of place. I have to apply pressure so it may be uncomfortable."

She starts slowly running her fingers down my back. I flinched when she got to the middle of my back because a shot of pain went up and down my back.

"Sorry honey I know I know. Almost done."

She continued down my back and I started crying because I really didn't like all the sudden pain and discomfort. I just wanna go home!

"Hey kiddo... One of your spinal plates was dislocated. I'm going to have to set it back in place. I'll give you a minute to prepare just nod when your ready."

"No! I wanna go home! Sho take me home please I don't want to have it set back!"I started sobbing.

Im terrified of what it will feel like. It's going to hurt!

"Shhh baby it won't hurt it'll make you feel better. Momo will just turn you and push your hip and then you'll feel a little pop and it'll be done. All you have to do it relax."

He took a minute to calm me down and then called Momo over who took the time to check on Denki.

"You ready?"

She gets down next to me and slightly turns my hip.

"Ok I'm gonna tell you to breath in and out and I will count down. Once I get to one I will set it back in place."

I grip Kacchan's hand and Sho's shirt. Kacchan was still sitting by my head.

"Deep breath in and out. Ready? 3...2...1!"


"There we go all done! Now just stay still a bit longer so I can put a back brace on you."

"Ow Kacchan it hurts! Ahhh!"

My back felt worse than it did before and now the pain was constant.

"I'm sorry Kitten just sit tight. I know how it feels and I promise the brace helps." He was still sitting by my head holding my hand.

He started to pet my ears and I hadn't noticed but I had tightly wrapped my tail around Sho's arm.

I whimper as Momo gets the brace under me and starts to wrap in around. She tightened it so around my chest waist and back.

"Can you breath alright? I know your chest probably hurts so I need to get an x-ray to make sure your ribs aren't broken."

"Can I just g-go home p-please..."

"I'm sorry sweetheart this is the last thing and then we're all done. I'm gonna have you turn to lay on your back so I can get a clear shot of your ribs."

Sho cups the back of my head and neck in his hands and gently helps me to flip onto my back. The pain was subsiding so it wasn't to bad.

My head was in Kacchan's lap and he played with my hair which was surprisingly very calming. I closed my eyes as they had already started to droop. I ended up falling asleep right before Momo had take the x-ray.

-1046 words-

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