~*~Chapter 45~*~

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Chapter 45

~Time skip 5 years later~

-(Izuku's POV)-

Five years ago from today I learned that I was an angel neko. Life has had its ups and downs but it's all been okay because I have Sho and Kacchan!

Today's is the big day... I'm getting married to the two men I love so much! Im so nervous what if they don't want to actually marry me?! What if they walk away?! What if-

"Izuku you'll be fine they love you a lot and I highly doubt one of them will walk of let alone both. Just breath and take in the moment."Denki says while fixing my tie snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I-I know b-but what if they do?! Denki I'm freaking out!"

He pulls me into a hug almost instantly calming me down.

"Izuku you can do this... just breath. I know how you feel. Remember I went through the same thing."

~flashback 1 year ago~


"Denki no your not just take in a deep breath and calm down. Kiri is out their waiting for you. Kacchan told me he was crying because he was so happy!" I say while laughing.

"Y-your right. I'm ready!"

I link arms with him and walk him out and down the aisle. I go to his side of family members where Mina and Sho also stood. Kacchan and Sero were on Kirishima's side.

The wedding dude we hired started to speak and do all the wedding stuff. Bla bla bla. I zoned out until I heard...

"You may now kiss the groom."

I see Kirishima swing Denki and pull him into a deep passionate kiss. They walk off and to the building we set up for the after party.

We all get to the after party and start to chat and eat. Denki goes to the front with a bouquet to throw. He turns around and get ready to throw it. Just when I thought he was he turns around and walks up to me.

"Uh Denki aren't you supposed to throw it?"

"Nope. It's your turn now."


He hands me the bouquet and I hear someone cough behind me. I turn to see Sho and Kacchan down on one knee.

"I know we have gone through rough times but we both want to spend the rest of our lives together."Kacchan speaks.

"We will alway be here and love you to the end of the earth so..." Sho speaks.

"Izuku Midoriya will you make us the happiest men on earth and marry us?" They say at the same time.

"I-I YES! A thousand times yes!"I start crying as Kacchan and Sho slide the ring on pulling me into a kiss.

~end of flashback~

"Your right! O-okay I think I can do this."

He links arms with me and we head out the door and down the aisle. I see Sho in a black dress pants and a white dress shirt with a red vest. Kacchan was wearing the same thing but with a orange vest. I was wearing the same thing as both of them but my vest was green. 

I get to the altar and stand in between both of them. We all hold hands and the priest starts his speech. Soon enough he was done.

"Speak your vows"

"Well Shoto I have know you for about 7 years now and we have been together for 6 of them. Being with you both had made me so happy. Izuku the day we found you we both knew that we needed you in our lives and you being with us has only ever made our lives better. I love you both so much." Katsuki's says starting to tear up.

"Now how can I beat that? Well here goes. Katsuki's and Izuku I love you both to the end of the earth. You being in my life has only made me want you more. I hate when I'm without you and when you are with me I want to be as close to you as possible." He was also tearing up.

"I-I love you to so so much. You two have saved me time after time and felt with me at my worsts taking care of me and building me back up even when I do stupid stuff. Without you two I probably wouldn't be here or the person I am today. Ahhh I just love you to so much!" My tears started flowing.

Soon enough the preacher says what's we have all been waiting for...

"You may now kiss the grooms."

They both kiss me on the cheek at the same time and  grab my hand. We run down the aisle and to a secret little spot they had made under some trees that had fallen. It was truly beautiful.

They both kiss each other on the lips and then Sho turns to me and gently but deeply kisses me. He breaks the kiss and Kacchan pulls me in.

We all make out for awhile before Sho says something.

"Should we go to the after party? They all are waiting for us."

"Oh fuck them it's our wedding we can do what we want!"Kacchan but's in.

"But I want cake..." they both look at me and start to laugh.

"Ok fine baby we will go so you can have some cake."Kacchan says while ruffling my hair.

We head to the party and I get my cake. The party goes in until midnight and then we all head back to our houses.

Sho, Kacchan, and I all get into the bath. We all relax and de-stress. Once we are clean I was already half asleep. Today was the best day of my life. "I hope your proud mom..." I think to myself.

Kacchan wraps me up into a towel and takes me to our room while Sho drains the bath. He lays me down and gets dressed. Sho walks in and does the same. After they both are done I could barely keep my eyes open so Sho got me dressed.

He sets me under the covers. The both snuggle in close sandwiching me in the middle.

"I love you to so much."

I then drift off into sleep.

This is where my life truly begins.

-1064 words-

This is it guys I really want to thank you for reading my book! I hope you all enjoyed it and will read my books to come. I'm really proud of this book because I posted every day for 45 days. This book started as a joke and was only going to be 10 chapters but look where I'm at now!

Thank you for all your votes and comments! I love reading them and they bring joy to my day.

Goodbye! I love you all so so much!

The Neko Boy (TodoBakuDeku) MHAWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt