~*~Chapter 25~*~

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Chapter 25

-(Katsuki's POV)-

I slowly flew back making sure to support Izuku's back, neck, and head because he was completely out. AND YES I DO CALL HIM BY HIS REAL NAME! I knew we would have to wake him soon because lunch was in half and hour.

Today is vegan day so we all eat fruit and salads. Sho and Momo just grow a ton of plants and pick them. In all honesty I don't hate this but then again lobe it either. Izuku on the other hand love all the sweet fruits. Earlier I told Sho to make lemons so I could give one to Izuku because he never had heard of one... I feel not remorse.

I slowly land and Sho looks at me funny because he saw how high we were.

"Now how did you do that?!"He whisper yelled.

"He liked the scenery although I didn't let him look down... that might have been an issue."

Izuku was really light but I needed to help prepare food so I had to set him down. I carefully set him down on his fluffy green bean bag and covered his ears.

"LUNCH BREAK!"Sho yelled.

Deku shifted a little but settled and continued to sleep soundly.

I walked out of the tent and went behind Sho and kissed his cheek. (HIS FACE YOU PERVERTS!) He smiles and turns a give me a very passionate kiss on the lips.

-(Shoto's POV)-

After I kiss Katsuki I finished growing the plants including his stupid lemons. I was going to make lemonade with the extras. I felt bad for Kitten but it wouldn't kill him and I think it would be cute.

"Sho can you go get him? He's still asleep in the cart."Katsuki's asks.

I nod and smile in response walking to the cart. I realized I've been smiling a lot more and I've been happier. Dam I love my boyfriends.

I soon arrived at the cart and see Izuku all curls upon his blanket. AGGG! I can't wake him while he's this snuggled up.

I slowly pick him up while he's still wrapped up and walk to the blanket we set up to sit on. It was a large blanket that would fit all of us leaving the food in the middle.

I sit down cross legged so I could set him down in my lap and support his back with his head on my chest.

"Hey I thought you were gonna wake him?" Kat walked over with our food.

"But he was all snuggled up!"I whined.

"Do you really want me to wake him up again?" He asked me.

"Nooo, I'll do it."I looked down at the adorable neko.

I lift my free hand and run my hand through his fluffy green hair. When he didn't wake up I decided to give him the slightest shake and rub his ears.

"Mmm?"His eyes slowly open but we're half lidded.

"Ahhhhh your adorable!"Mina squeals.

"Come on kitten time for food."Kat puts our plates down and sits next to me leaving space for Izuku in between us.

I slowly move Izuku so he's sitting next to us but he falls back and lays down. Everyone starts laughing at how adorable he was being.

Izuku was really drowsy so I went behind him and helped him sit up and kept my arm behind him as I sat back down. I couldn't help but laugh. He's like this whenever he wakes up but we usually give him time to fully wake up.

"Come on babe time to eat." Katsuki hold a lemon to his mouth.

Izuku slowly took a bite and instantly regretted it. His face scrunched up and his ears went down. He was awake now and everyone was dieing from laughter.

"THATS GROSS!"He yelled whimpering at the end.

"Oh-my god-babe!" Katsuki couldn't stop laughing.

Izuku made a little noise like growl. It was adorable but I could tell he didn't find this very funny so I held up a pice of watermelon. He just looks at it.

"It's fine Kitten this is watermelon. See."I take a small bite.

That seemed to be proof enough so he took the rest of the slice and ate happily. His tail was moving around showing us he was in a good mood. I was gonna keep it this way.

Everyone was eating and having fun. Mina has shoved a carrot up Sero's nose, Kaminari had fallen asleep on Kirishimas lap, Iida and Uraraka were holding hands, Momo started cleaning the dishes, and me and Kat were trying to keep Izuku awake.

I was getting slightly worried because I know there's a neko flu they can get. Kaminari got it once and that was hell he was constantly in pain and couldn't sleep or eat. I wouldn't be able to go through that with him it would break my heart.

-(Izuku's POV)-

I don't know what's going on lately I've just been super tired. I can't seem to stay awake. I just wanna snuggle up and sleep.

"Come on babe you're sleeping the day away!!!"Sho whined making me laugh.

It was probably just the cat part of me wanting to sleep. We go through little fazes when our body's just need rest. It happens at random so we can't really track it or know when it's hear. Seeing that Denki is also sleeping a lot lately he might have triggered mine.

"Bro's just let him sleep he's probably going through his rest faze. He'll be tired and snuggly. Denki is just starting his so he'll be out for a day or two." I'm so happy Kirishima understands.

I feel my eye lids droop but I don't let them close. I wanna be awake I don't like sleeping alone during this it's scary I can't control how tired I get or when I sleep.

The last time I went through this I had my Mom. I miss her...a lot.

"Babe just sleep well be here the whole time."Kacchan started rubbing my back making me close my eyes and go into peaceful slumber.

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