my imagination? Whaaat?

"Huh? "

"You're in a coma right now"


"Wow, I must be sleeping right now"

"Narae, listen here. Be strong, okay? Fight for yourself, fight for the people you love"

"I will mom *smiles*"

"Alright honey, we're going now"

"Where are you going? Don't leave me" Both of them smiled and disappeared into the light.

The next day, NCT went to the hospital, visiting her

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The next day, NCT went to the hospital, visiting her. When they went in her room, their heart sank looking at her condition.

Stitches on her arms, ventilator to assist her breathing, wires everywhere. It's just mournful to see.

Johnny took a sit next to her bed. He held her hand carefully,

"Hey broskis, it's me, your ultimate best friend," even though she didn't respond, the doctor told them that she can listen to what people are saying.

"I wish you're awake right now, so that we can roast each other," he chewed his lower lip, tears welled up his eyes.

Narae is the only best friend that understands him. Outside and inside.

"Narae.. you're strong, you can do this, okay? I need to go now, the others are waiting outside. See you again"

Jaehyun entered next, he carefully held her cold hand. He looked at the monitor screen, her heart beats normally, her breathing was stable.

He looked at his sister, stroking her hair,

"Hi, this is your only brother, or as you always call me, JaeJae.. *chuckles* "

Everytime Jaehyun don't give her attention, she would always call him that.

"If I call you RaeRae, will you wake up? I need your attention right now," he chuckled to himself. A sad smile crept up his face,

"When you wake up, I'll make sure, that this time, I'll take care of you. I will not let anyone hurt you, ever," he kissed her forehead and went out the room.

One by one communicated with her, boosting up her spirits,joke with her even though she's not going to give any reaction to it.

But on the inside, Narae listened to them, she did laugh, responding to them. But outside, her body was like a statue. She just hope that they can hear her too.

One last person went in. He stepped in the cold room, eyes landed on her. The moment it landed, his heart clenched.

He slowly approached her, looking at her features. Even in a state like this, she managed to look beautiful.

He pulled the chair closer, taking a sit. He held her hand and cupped his face with it, warming the cold hand of hers.


Narae's pov

Whose hand is this? Why is it cupping someone's face? It's warm tho.

"Wassup," wait.. Mark?

"How are you feeling?" Better than yesterday, how about you?

"If you're asking how I'm doing, I'm not okay," what? Why? You're not hurting yourself again, right?

"The house felt empty without you Narae," Me too, I felt lonely here..

"You sure having a good sleep huh.. *chuckles* I'm jealous," well I'm jealous you get to explore the world while I'm here.

Then he fell silent. Suddenly I felt hot liquid flowing, is he crying?

"I'm sorry.." for what?

"Because of me, you became the victim," it's not your fault..

"This is not the right timing to tell you this but, I.. I love you," I wish you can hear me saying I love you too

" *Sighs* I wish you're awake, so that I can hug you, give you my love.."

"Alright, I'm going now," what? No, don't go..

"Me and the rest will search for Hwayoung, she ran away that time,"

oh right, that crazy woman

"I'll visit you again"

3rd person pov

He kissed her temple with full of love and care, he adjusted her comforter and went out, taking a second glance at her.

"Let's get this done"

𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚢 || Mark ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang