Percy Jackson!

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Okay so, as a lot of people know, Percy Jackson is a book series that means a lot to me and has been my absolute favorite series since fifth grade. Anyway, there's going to be an adaptation coming to Disney+ and I can't possibly explain how excited I am! If you haven't read the books you should read them, though I know a decent amount of people who don't particularly like Rick Riordan's writing style. If you are one of those people, I'd totally recommend the musical. Some plot points are left out because of time and what's possible onstage, but it's still super accurate.

So, about the Disney show. Usually, especially with Disney, I'd be pretty concerned about how the things I love are going to be handled. I mean, the PJO movies sucked because of their inaccuracies. However, it has been told to the fanbase that Rick Riordan and his wife will be really involved. I honestly haven't been this excited for the release of a tv show since I was in the Doctor Who fandom, and that was years ago!

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