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So I saw The Lightning Thief at the oriental theater in Chicago yesterday and it was amazing!

Percy Jackson has been one of my favorite book series since I was 10 and it was great to see a faithful adaptation (complete with song and dance.)

We stage doored after and the actors were all really nice. They also pulled off their parts amazingly well. Even with adult actors, the child characters were handled and acted well and, I don't know whether or not Chris McCarrel actually has ADHD but he did fidgets and stuff that fit the character and real life things. Also, Kristin Stokes. Just, Kristin Stokes in general. She tackled the role of Annabeth, who has been my fictional idol for five years straight, and was so good. Usually, I would be slightly disappointed when the touring cast doesn't bring as much energy as the original cast (I really didn't like that when I saw Hamilton, a few people in the cast I saw kinda seemed to think that since they weren't the original and not even on Broadway, it didn't matter) but the whole cast of this gave it their all. Granted, this might have to do with the fact that I saw four original cast members, but even the new members brought so much to the characters and had so much fun. There was so much energy and I absolutely loved it.

Some people may not like me for this, but I think that it was better than Hamilton. I know a lot of people really love Hamilton and I love it too. I just don't think that Hamilton quite lived up to the hype and the songs got old fast. Over the year that I've been listening, Percy Jackson lived up to every good review and the songs are have not gotten old on me yet. I totally recommend listening to the cast recording and reading the books. Also, if it goes on tour near you, you should totally try to get tickets. I absolutely loved it.

Idk anymore 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora