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You know what I love about Annabeth Chase?
She's a girl who keeps her hair long because she likes it, wears the same necklace every day because of its emotional significance to her, has a boyfriend who she loves dearly, is super smart, but is still willing to and able to hurt/kill when it's necessary and will take matters into her own hands. She isn't some tomboy who beats everyone up for fun, she isn't a complete bookworm who can memorize textbooks in a day, and she isn't a girl who spends most of her time on makeup and clothing. She has more than one character trait that balances out the other traits.
She does lean towards tomboy and smart but she is also shown caring about how she looks. She has trouble reading and concentrating. She fidgets when she's bored. She acts like a human.
People are pushing towards a one-dimensional Princess in pants. I want a princess who wears pants and skirts depending upon how she feels and could still kick my ass no matter what she's wearing. The outside matters when establishing parts of a character. However, the outside can't be all they are.

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