Scene 10: The Gym

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(The gym is filled with students. Some of them are doing PE and some are just in there for fun and exercise. Agni and Booker enter the gym.)

Booker – This is the gym. Obviously... Anyways there is a special room over there (he points to a door) that has weightlifting equipment in it. I like that room. Ooooooh and over there is where the girls do yoga and stuff. (He ad libs while Agni looks around)

Agni – (inner monologue) There are some in here that will be so easy to acquire. Easy pickings as the younger generation says.

Booker notices Agni not listening to him.

Booker – (He looks questioningly at Agni) Am I annoying you?

Agni – Huh... No, you are not bothering me.

Booker – Okay. I was worried I was bothering you. Because you didn't seem to be hearing what I was saying.

Agni – Oh. I'm sorry. I got distracted.

Booker and Agni continue to talk and walk around the gym.

(Pandora and Grey enter the gym)

Grey – Well this is the gym.

Pandora – It looks...(She looks around and notices some girls staring at her. She smiles at them and they turn away) like lots of fun. Let's do something.

Grey – Okay. (He says shyly) What do you want to do?

Pandora – Let's play volleyball!

Grey – Alright. I'm not very good though.

Pandora – Neither am I.

They start

(Students in the gym start to stare at Pandora. Whispering erupts all over the gym)

Pandora notices people looking at them. Grey notices the stares as well.

Grey – We seem to be attracting some attention.

Pandora – So it seems.

(She slyly smiles and winks at a guy staring at her. He turns away. Pandora looks past the guy and notices her brother and they make eye contact.)

Booker notices Agni looking towards the volleyball net.

Booker – Hey, is that your sister?

Agni – Yeah, I don't know who she is with.

Booker – I think the kids name is Grey or something. He's a bit of a nerd, but he's really good at sports. Funny thing. He's one of the best on the basketball team.

Agni – (Looks at Grey) Interesting boy.

Booker – He's interesting for sure. Let's go say Hi.

Agni and Booker walk towards the volleyball net.

Pandora notices her brother and Booker coming towards them.

Pandora – Oh, here comes my brother.

Grey turns around and shivers when he meets Agni's gaze.

Pandora – Grey this is my brother Agni.

Grey – (Reaches out his hand to shake Agni's) Nice to meet you.

Agni – The pleasure is mine.

Grey tenses during their handshake. You could almost cut the tension with a knife.

Agni – Pandora, please be careful not to strain yourself. I don't want you to get hurt.

Grey – I'll make sure she doesn't get hurt.

Booker – Hey why don't we have a match Pandora and Grey VS me and Agni.

Pandora – I'm in!

Grey – Sure.

Agni – Alright.

Booker – YES! Let's do this!

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