SCENE 13: The Albertson's Home

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The scene opens in the Albertson home. The Albertson's live in the suburbs near the school and their home is similar to a classic 1940's cottage. Mrs. Reina Albertson is folding laundry and Mr. Conroy Albertson just came through the front door.

Conroy – Honey, I'm home.

Reina – Hello, dear. How was work today?

Conroy – It was good but slow. We had orientation and it was just as slow as last year. (He says as he puts down his bag and hangs up his coat.)

Reina – Ah. I remember how bad it was.

Conroy – So, I need something to relieve my stress.

Conroy walks over to Reina and kisses her on the cheek.

Reina – (Quizzically smiles at him.) Like what?

Conroy – (Looking around for the children.) Are the kids home yet?

Reina – (She coyly smiles) No, not yet.

The scene cuts to the couple playing video games and eating snacks.

Reina – Out of my way Sunday driver.

Conroy – Oh, really now! No need to call names!

Reina – Uh huh! You are too slow.

Conroy – I'm not slow! You are just a better driver!

Reina – Ha ha! First again!

Conroy – I got third for once. I'm getting better!

Someone puts the key in the front door, unlocks, and opens it.

Sia – Hey, Mom.

Reina – Welcome home, sweetie. How was school?

Sia – It was okay. Hopefully, this semester will be better than the last.

Reina – I hope so, for your sake as well.

Sia – Are you really playing that game without me?!

Conroy – Uhhhhh. Yes?

Sia – Can I play too?

The scene cuts to the family playing the video game together. Not long after the front door is unlocked and opened again.

Canter – Hey! I'm home and hungry.

Sia – Sup, bro!

Canter – I can't even with you sometimes.

Sia – Is it something I said?

Canter sighs and walks into the kitchen.

Canter – Is dinner ready? I'm starving.

Reina – (She says smiling.) It should be ready now.

Reina walks into the kitchen and Sia heads to the kitchen table.

Canter – (He says as he walks to the kitchen table) I bet you all haven't beat my high score yet.

Conroy – (Yell's from the other room) What did you say?

Canter – (He yells back) I bet you haven't beat my high score yet!

Conroy gets up off the couch and joins his kids at the table.

Conroy – Oh, your Mom beat it about 30 minutes ago.

Canter – What! Mom did you really?

Reina – Well, I may have passed your score up by a little.

Canter – How high of a score did you get?

Reina – (Changes the subject.) Dinner is ready.

The scene cuts the family all sitting around the table about to say grace.

Conroy – Canter, do you want to say the blessing?

Canter – Sure, Dad.

They all bow their heads.

Canter – Dear heavenly Father. We thank you for this food and for this day. Thank you, Lord, for providing for our family. We are truly blessed. In Jesus's name, Amen.

They all say amen and begin to eat. 

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