SCENE 15: At the Rage Room

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The scene opens in a rage room. There are broken bottles, computers, concrete, old records, along with other miscellaneous items. All five college students are wearing coveralls, chest armor, safety glasses, a face shield, and gloves. Booker swings a bat across an old computer and Avye throws a glass bottle against the concrete wall.

Booker – Is this fun or what!?!

Ayve – This is great!

Grey – (He says in a soft, bored tone) Yeah, tons of fun.

Avye – I'm definitely gunna have a good sleep tonight!

The Scene skips to the group walking out of the room and they bump into some bullies.

Reynard – Watch it!

Booker – You bumped into us!

Reynard groupie 1 – Got a problem?

Avye – Yeah, you're in our way!

Reynard – Wait guys, isn't this the little butch from school.

Avye – What did you say.

Reynard groupie 2 – Aww the little dyk* is angry!

Pandora – That's enough!

Reynard groupie 1 – Are you a lesbo too?

Reynard groupie 1 reaches for Pandora.

Grey – Stop!

Reynard – What're you gunna do?

Grey – Leave us alone! Just go!

Reynard (grabs Pandoras face and he leans in closer to her) – At least this one is pretty.

Grey pushes Reynard away from Pandora and Reynard punches him in the face. A fight breaks out between Reynard's groupies and the gang. 

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