SCENE 20: Bookers Downfall

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Rated: 18+

Over the next few months, Booker began to change. His personality, clothes, music taste, friends, everything about him changed. He still hung out with Agni, Pandora, Avye, and Grey. Agni and he grew closer together.

The hallways began to fill with students going from class to class. Sunlight streamed in through the windows, birds, and crickets soft melody rang throughout the hall. After lunch, Booker bumped into Agni on his way to class.

Booker – One of my friends is throwing a party at his place. Would you like to come with me?

Agni – Sure, it sounds like fun.

Booker – I'll text you the address. The party starts at 9:00.

Agni – I'll be there.

Later that night at the party. Many people are there. Loud music is playing, people are dancing, drinking, drugs, smoking, scantily clad individuals, and sexual behavior is rampant throughout the house. Agni is sitting down on one of the chairs with a girl sitting in his lap. Agni puts his hand under the girl's chin and kisses her. He sees Booker go into one of the rooms with 3 other people. They walk in and close the door behind them. Agni smiles then his phone rings.

Agni – I'll be right back.

The girl gets off his lap, and he walks out of the house to answer the call. The music from the house can be heard outside, but it is muffled a bit. Agni answers the phone.

Agni – Hello.

Pandora – How's the party?

Agni – Wonderfully horrible.

Pandora – That's good to hear.

Agni – Booker has gone down so fast. He's having some "fun" upstairs at this very moment.

Pandora – Good for him. Haha.

Agni – I am going to stay here for a while longer.

Pandora – See you later. Have fun.

Agni – I will. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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