SCENE 12: The Restaurant

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The group walks into "Grill Out" and looks at the menu behind the counter. While the others order Agni and Pandora stand back and talk.

Agni – I hate this place.

Pandora – I don't get a good feeling about it either.

Agni – Who chose this place?

Pandora – I believe Avye did.

Agni – Interesting.

Pandora – What?

Agni – I guess she doesn't realize that this is a Christian establishment.

Pandora – Humans do not realize many things. If it fulfills a want or need, even if it is against what they believe, they will put their beliefs aside for it.

Agni – True.

Pandora – Human idiocy still astonishes me. No matter how many times I see it.

Agni – I think it's our turn to order.

Pandora – If it were not for trying to make a good impression... I would not eat here.

Agni – Agreed.

Agni and Pandora order, fill their cups at the drink fountain and sit down at the table with the others.

Booker – So, Agni did you play any sports in high school. You were awesome on the court today.

Agni – I dabbled in sports when I was younger.

Booker – Nice.

Avye gets up from her seat and sits across from Pandora.

Avye – Pandora, have you ever modeled before.

Pandora – I have.

Ayve – I could tell.

Avye smiles at Pandora and Pandora smiles back.

Agni – Grey, do you have anything you want to add to the conversation.

Grey – I'm good. I'm not much of a talker.

Agni – Noted.

One of the employees calls their numbers and Booker gets up and gets the orders. He puts the food on the table.

Booker – Does anyone want ketchup or other toppings while I'm up?

Pandora – I would like some ketchup.

Booker – Gotcha.

Booker gets some ketchup and sits back down with the group.

Agni – Other than the gym, what is fun to do around here?

Avye – There are a few clubs and some of the bars are nice.

Booker – There are gyms, escape rooms, obstacle game places, and I really like rage rooms. Those places are so fun!

Grey – There are some theatres, parks, and libraries.

Pandora – Ooooh those all sound like fun.

Agni – (Directed towards Booker) I'm interested in the rage room you mentioned. What is it?

Booker – A rage room is a place where you can vent your anger by breaking stuff. They are really popular with young people.

Agni – It sounds fun. Maybe we could go sometime.

Booker – I'm in.

Avye – Pandora, would you like to go to a club together sometime?

Pandora – That sounds fun to me.

Avye – Alright.

Their discussion begins to slow because they all begin to focus on eating. A little time passes. Grey notices the bible verse written on the bottom of his box of fries.

Grey – Whatchu know about that.

Booker – What are you talking about?

Grey – There is a bible verse on the box.

Booker – Well I'll be.

Avye – I can't count the number of times I've been here and not noticed that.

Booker – That's cool that they have bible verses on stuff.

Avye – Why do you think it's cool?

Booker – I'm Catholic and I appreciate a good bible verse.

Avye – Eww.

Booker – What?

Avye – You believe in god!

Booker – Yeah. What of it?

Avye – Do you all believe in god too?

Pandora – I believe in Him... I just hate Him.

Avye – I knew I liked you for a good reason.

Booker – (Directed at Agni) Do you believe the same as Pandora?

Agni – I do.

Booker – Bummer. God is cool man.

Agni – You are free to believe what you want.

Avye – What do you believe, Grey?

Grey – I believe in God.

Avye – Well 3 against god, and two for god. I guess the believers lose.

Agni – Your statement is a little faulty. My sister and I believe in God, we just despise Him.

Avye – Alright, alright. Got it.

Booker – It sounds like you despise God too, Avye.

Avye – How can I hate something I don't believe in.

Pandora – Okay, enough of that. What do you all want to do now? It's still early, we could go to a rage room or something.

Booker – Sounds like a good idea to me.

Grey – I think I'll head back to the dorms.

Avye – Don't be such a buzz kill.

Grey – I'm already tired and I will just slow you all down.

Pandora – It won't be as fun without you.

Avye – You don't have a ride back anyways.

Grey glares at Avye.

Avye – What?

Grey – I guess I will go.

Pandora – Good.

They throw their trash away and walk out of the restaurant. 

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