SCENE 17: A Death at the Dorms

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Booker, Avye, Grey, Pandora, and Agni arrive back at the dorms. They walk up the stairs and head to their rooms.

Avye – Can I chill out in your room for a bit, Pandora?

Pandora – (Says in a calm voice.) That's fine with me.

Booker – I think me, and the guys are gunna chill for a while too. Just, some bro time.

Agni – Okay.

Booker – Heck yeah! Agni's in. Grey are you in.

Grey – I have a test I need to study for.

Booker – Aww, come on man you are only young once.

Grey – I don't know.

Agni – We probably won't "chill" for to long anyways.

Grey – Alright then.

Booker – Sweet.

Avye – Well, Pandora and I are heading out now. Bye!

The guys wave goodbye to the girls as they head to Pandora's room and the guy's head to Booker's room. The boys pass by dorm room after dorm room, but one seems a little off to them.

Grey – Do you smell that?

Booker – Smell what?

Grey – That smell? You don't smell that?

Booker – It just smells like dudes in this hall. Nothing new...

Agni – I think I smell it now.

Grey – It smells like rotting something. Maybe meat?

Booker – Dude I smell is b-o.

Agni – I smell it too. Which room is that stench coming from?

They all look around; they sniff to see where the odor is coming from. Booker stops in front of Carter's room.

Booker – Well, I didn't smell it before, but I do now. I think it's coming from Carter's room.

The boys all huddle around Carter's door and jiggle the doorknob.

Agni – The door is locked.

Booker – Does anyone see a key.

Grey looks under the carpet at the door, booker checks the top of the door frame, and Agni checks behind the pictures around the door. Tink. The key falls to the floor.

Booker – You can always leave it to Carter to leave a key outside his door. That knuckle-head.

Booker unlocks the door and the stench that erupts from the room almost knocks the boys off their feet.

Booker – What the heck is that smell?

Grey – That is putrid.

Agni – Smell's like something died in here.

The boys all gag and try to keep from getting sick. Booker walks in first.

Booker – Hey, Carter! You in here man?

The boys all look around the room and notice it looks disheveled.

Booker – (Talking to Grey and Agni) Carter, usually kept a pretty clean room. This is so unlike him.

Agni – Are you sure. Because it looks like it has been this way for a while now.

Booker – I know Carter. I know him well enough to know that this is strange.

The boys look in the bathroom and there is Carter, disintegrating in the bathtub. Grey throws up and Agni pats him on the back. Booker slowly walks in.

Booker – This is a prank right... This can't be happening right now... Ha ha! Good prank! You can stop now!

Agni – Booker, I don't think this is a prank. Carter is... gone.

Booker – He can't be I just talked with him.

Agni – Are you sure?

Booker – Yes.

Grey – (Wipes his face) Check your call logs.

Booker – I don't have to check, I just know.

Grey – (He says weakly) Just do it.

Booker pulls out his phone and checks his call logs. His phone shows his last communication with Carter was two days ago. Booker tightens his grip on his phone. Agni looks over his shoulder and reads what is on the screen.

Agni – It says two days ago.

Booker – I can't believe it.

Agni – Let's get out of here. All of us.

Booker – I can't leave him here!

Grey – Come on dude let's go.

Agni grabs Booker and walks out of the dorm room and Grey follows. 

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