SCENE 19: Bookers Breakdown

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Grey, Agni, Booker, Pandora, and Avye walk out of the church and are standing near benches. The atmosphere is sad and gloomy, but the day is bright and sunny. Other people continue to leave the church, some walk past the group while others go in opposite directions. Time almost seems to go in slow motion for a short period of time.

Grey – Hey, man. Are you okay?

Booker - I'm okay... I guess...

Grey – You know we are all here for you.

Booker – I know.

Avye – And if it gets too hard, you could just jump off a bridge.

Pandora – Avye, that wasn't very nice.

Avye – I was just kidding.

Agni – Pandora's right, you aren't being very sensitive.

Avye – Sheesh, you all sure have your panties in a wad.

Tears begin to trickle down Booker's face again.

Grey - Do you need a hug?

Booker – I'll be fine eventually.

Grey – I wish I had the right words; just know I care.

Booker pats Grey on the shoulder.

Booker – I know. Thanks.

Booker sits down on a bench outside of the church.

Booker - Why does it hurt so bad when someone dies. You may not even be close when that person anymore, but it still hurts like hellfire. It feels like you've been stabbed through the heart with a stake. Your eyes feel like they've had acid poured into them. Your throat feels like there are needles tearing through your skin. Your mind feels like you've been stuck upside down on a roller coaster for too long. Your bones feel weak and hollow. Why the heck is it so painful? These pains aren't physical, so why do they feel that way? And when your body has had enough, you go numb. The tears on your face dry and your body feels like it's frozen in time.

Pandora sits down next to him and pats his shoulder.

Pandora – Pain, affects each person in a different way and we all heal in our own way.

Later that night booker is in the woods near the dorms. Moonlight is streaming through the trees. All that can be heard are the crickets, katydids, cicadas, and frogs. A gentle breeze rustles the leaves on the trees and blows softly through the grass. Tears coming and going from his eyes. Sometimes the tears would stop, but they would soon return.

Booker – (Out of breath, angry, and questioningly) Why him? Why now? Who killed him? Why? Why? Why?

He screams and yells at the top of his lungs and falls to his knees.

Booker – Ahhhhhhhh!

Every sentence is hard to get out. A mix of emotions fills his mind. He lays on his back sobbing, looking up at the sky.

Booker – I hope you're happy up there...without me. (Screaming) How could you leave me! You selfish prick!!! Ahhhhhhh!

He lays on his side, curls up, and hugs his knees.

Booker – (Yelling) God, why aren't you helping me! I need you! Where are you!

He bawls his eyes out. Tears continually stream down his face. His shirt is now drenched with tears.

Booker – Jesus! God! Holy Spirit! Anyone! I can't do this alone!

He looks up to the shy and begins to catch his breath.

Booker – If you won't help me, I'll find someone else. I hate you! You took him from me! And you won't even help me when I'm hurting! It's all your fault!

He catches his breath, and the tears trickle down his cheeks.

Booker - From now on, I don't need you.

Agni watches Booker from the woods. Agni smiles as he watches Booker yell in pain.


Sorry, this chapter is late. Life got really busy. <3 Hope you are all doing well.

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