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nervous fingers tapping furiously against the car's steering wheel, and jaehyun tried not to make it more obvious by his shaking leg.

doyoung was in the back seat, happily smiling internally at the younger's condition.

and the stranger was seated beside jaehyun, his eyes scanning the city outside.

they were going home, when they saw the stranger on their way home, stranded on the dangerous road. and jaehyun being jaehyun stopped, asking if he needed a ride. apparently the man had missed his bus way home.

the stranger was hesitant first but nonetheless gave in when jaehyun complied.

the nervousness came over when he got into the car though.

jaehyun had never seen such a beautiful human before.

large eyes, fair skin, pretty lips.

he really was perfect in every way.

"oh stop just right here."

jaehyun stopped the car, watching as the stranger collected his small packet of souvenirs.

"thank you so much kind sirs. have a good night."

he was walking away and that was when jaehyun realized. will he really lose the chance of finding his soulmate now? it was literally right before him.


the man turned, confused.

"may i know your name please?"

he was trying really hard not to panic. but hope bloomed when he saw the stranger smile.

"lee taeyong."


"jaehyun, i think you should date him."


the latter tried not to crash the car, but doyoung stayed firm.

"i said, you should date him."

"and i'm asking why?"

"because i think he's the one."

"the one?"

"your soulmate idiot!"

"how do you know it?"

jaehyun was honestly really done with doyoung.

"because your heart never beats this fast. it's beating really hard right now because you're still thinking about taeyong."

"yeah right. not only are you my guardian angel but apparently you're my doctor too! well, aren't i lucky?"

doyoung didn't mind jaehyun's sarcasm but just said one thing that made the younger shut his mouth up.

"do you why i'm here jaehyun? to find your soulmate. you need love. you've closed people off from your life and as time passed on, you forgot how love feels like. and i can assure you that with taeyong, you'll be happy. you'll never suffer, never get hurt, never be in pain and you'll always be content. i'm your guardian angel and i know that. for once, give yourself a chance. give yourself a chance to know how to feels to love and to be loved. and one more thing you have to know that is as soon as you find your soulmate, i'm gone. you'll never see me again. i'm just here to put your life back. so, think and make the best decision. i trust you for that."


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