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"rise and shine jung jaehyun!"

"what the f- oh god, not you!"

"hey, what's that supposed to mean? y'know what? just wake up."

"never. it's the weekend."

"exactly. the weekend. the perfect opportunity to get to know each other."

jaehyun scoffed before snuggling back into his duvet.

"last time i checked, i didn't want to get to know you."

"jung jaehyun. get up. now."




"jung jaehyun, you little piece of shi-"

"la la la la la la la~"


"don't call me that doyoung. never. only my friends can c-"

"you don't have friends."

"hey! what's that supposed to mean?"

"i just stated facts. don't come at me."

"well then, you're wrong. i have a friend called mr.bae and he's a-"

"you mean the janitor?"





"okay yes he's the janitor! but he's a good friend because he taught me how to clean and how to work with a mop if anyone ever attacks you."

"yep. such a gOOd frIEnd. now shut up and get up."

"you're anything but an angel you know that?!"

doyoung just ignored jaehyun's childish antics before disappearing from the bedroom and into the kitchen. he's made some breakfast for jaehyun. nothing special though. just some kimchi pancakes and coffee.

the younger made his way into the kitchen grudgingly, a scowl on his face and arms folded, at which doyoung asked him a question.

"are you sure you're in university?"

"don't talk to me. now i have to feed you. i have to share you my fruit loops and milk. my precious milk."

he kept on rambling, his back turned on the food displayed on the kitchen table. he obviously didn't see the food yet, so doyoung just let him be.

the said boy turned around, two ceramic bowls in his hand, when he noticed the breakfast.


"come on. eat it up. you have a lot to learn."

the tips of his ears turned red, and he scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.

"wait. aren't you going to eat?"

"i don't want to. but thank you for asking."

the elder left the room, leaving jaehyun in silence.


"ok wait. so, guardian angels are assigned to their humans if they are in danger?"


"so you've been my guardian angel since that.... accident."


"i was 7 then. so you've been my guardian angel for- holy shit! 16 years?!"

"yes jaehyun."

"then you know that i peed my pants at 9!!"

"thank you for reminding me that jaehyun."

was all doyoung said before bursting into laughter, his wide gummy smile spread across his face. it was honestly too funny for the elder. jaehyun's confused face, the face he makes when he finally understands something, or how angry he looks when he finds out that doyoung knows his childhood secrets and fantasies.

jaehyun had no choice but to look at doyoung, a small smile spreading on his own face when he looked at the elder's.

head thrown back, black fluffy hair, a huge gummy smile.

he looked adorable.

what the fuck jaehyun? focus.

"haha. very funny."

the laughter died down, and it was quite for a while before doyoung opened his mouth.

"i still regret it you know."

jaehyun asked, curious. his eyes were transfixed on his phone, playing a random game, missing the concerned and sympathetic look the elder was giving him.

"regret what?"

"that i couldn't stop the accident."

jaehyun now gazed upon doyoung, his eyes blazing with irritation and anger.

"can't you go one day without mentioning that accident which killed my parents? huh?!"

"jaehyun. i'm sorry. but you have to stop this."

"stop what exactly?!"

"stop building walls around yourself. let people in. it's the only way you can forget that pain."

"pain?! you know why i'm in pain?"



"yes. you're in pain, because you're scared. you're scared that if you let people in, they'll leave you in the end and you'll be left alone. why do always stay willingly in the dark? why don't you fight back your demons?"

"oh now i'm a demon?!"

"not you idiot. i said demons, as in inside your heart. your fears."

"and why do you think i have demons inside my mind?"

"because i'm an angel. and angels always fight back demons."


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