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jaehyun had just finished attending all of his classes and it was 4 in the evening by the time he got out. his classes actually ended at 1, but the boy took his own time studying in the library and searching for new books to read.

it was a 15 minute walk back home, and he was really grateful that his home wasn't that far.

the boy then remembered that he had to complete his chore of buying the essential groceries for the next week. he mentally felt relieved cause the next day the weekend was starting. three days, sleeping in, only food and binge watching and absolutely no studying.

even if it was 3 days, he was finally going to be free. just by himself.

or so he thought.


"okay. so onions, tomatoes, leeks, celery, corn, chips, chicken, steak, avocados, potatoes, sausages, eggs and-"

he racked his brain before remembering one more item on his mental note of groceries.

"aha! ice cream!"

he happily made his way to the desserts aisle and was just extending his hand to open the glass door before his head started paining. jaehyun hissed at the excruciating sensation of pain blooming in his head. his hand reached for something to lean onto, before a soft pair of hands grabbed his own.

"are you okay sir?"

a chirpy voice asked.

his mouth opened to answer, but no sound came out of it. the boy felt a hand taking him by his shoulder gently and making him sit in a clean corner of the supermarket.

his eyes were hazy and his head was still paining, but not as much as before. his hand reached out to massage his throbbing head and it was a while before his eyes cleared up and he looked up at his savior.

jaehyun found his own eyes looking into big doe eyes. eyes full of concern and curiosity.

big doe eyes, black fluffy hair, fair white skin and a body with broad shoulders.

jaehyun could tell the stranger was shorter than him.

the boy looking at him from above smiled a little when jaehyun looked at him, who couldn't stop himself smiling after looking at the shorter.

"can you get up sir?"


jaehyun finally stood up after a couple of minutes, his hands instinctively intertwining at the back, tugging at themselves. he did that when he was nervous.

"thank you for your help."

"sure. be careful and take care."

"um.. thank you."

jaehyun answered, his cheeks flushed and the man in front of him nodded before leaving the scene.

the younger just shook off that creepy, electrifying feeling that was felt throughout his body. especially, his shoulder.

the place where the man touched him.

he just shrugged it off, before collecting his groceries with his desired ice cream and then made his way to the counter to buy them and finally go home.


jaehyun gasped as soon as he exited the supermarket. it was dark. the boy had been shopping for too long.

his fingers tightened around the plastic cover and his other hand pulled his backpack closer to him.

the boy gradually started walking home, his eyes fixed upon the road below him.

he felt scared. nervous.

and that feeling only grew more once he heard footsteps behind him. following him.

he started walking faster and was a teeny bit thankful that he was nearing home.


he turned, heart beating fast, only to see the man from the supermarket.

"you? why are you following me?"

"listen to me-"

"no wait. how do you know my name?!"

"listen before jum-"

"oh god! were you stalking me?! are you?!"

his breathing turned labored, his vision became blurry and the plastic cover slipped from his grasp.

"jaehyun, i'm your-"

those were the last words he heard before he hit the ground, his vision turning black and his eyes taking in a blurry figure running towards him before the world around him turned blank.


jaehyun tossed and turned in bed, his hand reaching for the duvet to cover himself properly when-

wait. why was the light turned on in his room?

he always slept in pitch darkness. always.

and that was when he saw it. the light in the living room was turned on too. and then he looked down at himself. he was wearing the same clothes he wore for class today.


the boy timidly made his way into the living room, his phone in his hand just in case if there was an uninvited guest.

he breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at his locked front door. everything was fine. perfectly fin-

"what the f-"

"oh you're awake. good."

there was a man. a man sitting on his couch in his home without his permission. his hand held a paperweight on them, his curious eyes raking over it.

"wait. you're that man! the man from the supermarket! the man who was following me! stalking me! why the hell are you here?!"

the said man sighed before looking at jaehyun calmly.

"i'm here because i have something to tell you."

"look! you want money? you can take it! i have nothing to do with you, so-"

"will you let me talk human?!"

the man asked rudely, at which jaehyun raised his eyebrows.

"human? did you just call me human? what are you then?"

"that's why i am here."

"ok. um wow. c-continue."

"good. now let me properly introduce myself."


jaehyun couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"my name is doyoung, and i'm your guardian angel."


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