Chapter 16: Tough Choices

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Toni POV

I sat at the bar with a shot of whisky in front of me staring at it blankly.

"You gonna take that? Or just watch it?" Sweet pea asked as he stood on the other side of the bar. "Don't worry about her.. you know this is complicated" he continued as he took a sip of his beer.

"I know... it just sucks." I sulked as I took the shot. Ugh so fucking gross. "Hit me with another" I told him and he laughed and walked to the bottle. I can always count on Pea.

As he poured another shot I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey you.." Was softly said as a hand glided across my shoulder and took the seat next to me.

"Well well. Look who actually came." I laughed as I grabbed the second shot. "Have a drink with me." I smirked as I waved Pea back over to get another shot for the raven haired girl.

"Why not.. I mean this is a special occasion" she said as she grabbed my shot from my hands. "So... what made you call me so soon? I thought you had plans".

"Yeah well those plans didn't work out." I bluntly said as I grabbed the newest shot poured and held it up. "Cheers to old friends" I said with a smirk as I clinked our glasses. The first shot was already making me more lose.

She giggled and flashed her pearly smile. "Cheers to ex girlfriends " she corrected without breaking eye contact. We both took the shot and this second one was smoother than the first.

"Soo.... tell me Toni.. what have you been up to?" She asked grabbing my beer and taking a sip. Typical Veronica.

I couldn't resist but laugh and remember all the times she's done this before. The second shot was starting to work its magic in the worst way. "So! As you know I went to college for photography. Then I met this guy, got engaged.."

"Oh my god. That's great! Congrats-"

"Wait wait wait! Let me finish! I got engaged. Then recently I cheated on him... twice! And he found out and left." I said with a stupid smile.

"Oh wow-"

"And it gets better!! The person I cheated with says they love me, but kicked me out when their ex showed up! So fucking great isn't it?" I sarcastically asked.

"That sucks Toni... I'm sorry..." she softly said.

"It's fine. So I'm pretty much a hot ass mess at the moment.. Hey Pea! Another shot!" I added.

He walked over. "One for you too?" He asked Veronica sternly. He never got over what she did back on high school.

"Sure why not." She said as she turned her stool to face me. He poured the two shots and walked back to serve the others, but not before shooting me a warning look to slow it down.

"I'm sorry that happened.. you're probably the most amazing person I've ever met and I know you deserve to be happy" she smirked as she grabbed her shot.

"Thanks Ronnie. Sooo.... hows Archie?" I sarcastically asked giving her a questioning look.

"Uh.. well... we finally broke up for good.. it's was on and off for a while... but I've been single for s good year now.." she confidently said.

"Well cheers to being single!" I shouted as I grabbed the next shot. We both clinked and down the hatch it went.

"Whew, that stuff is actually gross" Veronica stated as her face scrunched up.

"It's the Wyrm.. what did you expect?" I giggled. Just then the burning sensation of the whisky hit my stomach. My head became a little more clouded and I started to feel happy again. It didn't help that I haven't eaten dinner yet. But this is what I needed. A drink with an old friend. My smile grew and my worries faded.

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