Chapter 11: Nothing But Love

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Toni POV

I walked back into my apartment building ready to face Derek, but who am I kidding, the liquid courage helped. Once I reached the door I threw it open and he whipped his head around from the couch and just stared at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What?" I said forcefully.

"Seriously? You leave and then come back and have the nerve to say 'what'? Come on babe! I'm sorry I didn't like your hair. Can we just forget it?"

"No Derek! WE CAN'T. You can't say hurtful things and expect me to not to be pissed off" I continued walking to the room and grabbed a suitcase.

"Baby! Stop packing please. You're leaving me because of this? Come on!" he pleaded which caused me to giggle. I forgot to mention I had to leave for a few days so I'm sure he was freaking out internally.

"Derek. Listen. I need to go back to Riverdale to meet with the mayor for work. I just got the call earlier". I tried to sound as calm as I could with the man.

"But.. you just got back recently. Why are you leaving again?"

"Because I didn't stay. I left early to come home to you!" I told him to make him feel bad, knowing he wasn't the real reason why I left early. He just looked down ashamed.

"I'm sorry Toni. Please just forgive me. I don't want this small thing to turn into something bigger. Lately we just haven't been good and it's making me think all these crazy thoughts"

"Derek. Listen to me." I grabbed his face so he would look at me. "We're going to be fine. These things happen. Let's just take these two days to have some space and see how we feel, okay?"

He took a deep breath and smiled "Sure. I really do love you."

"I know Derek, I know. Now help me pack my bag" I gave him a smile and squeezed his hand.

"I'll grab your underwear!" He said with a goofy smile as he ran to my top drawer and I couldn't help but laugh. At the end of the day he was going to be my husband. Maybe I have been a little too hard on him lately. I've been taking my frustrations out on him when my irritation has everything to do with a certain redhead I can't get out of my mind. The least I can do is have some patience with him.

Once my bag was packed I collapsed on the bed. It was almost 1am and I had to be at the train station for 9am so I needed some rest. Derek laid next to me and slowly started to rub his hand along my thigh. I know exactly what he wanted.

"D, it's so late" I whine as he continued to rub my thigh.

"Come on babe, it's been a while and you're leaving me again" he said in a low voice as he began to kiss my neck. I wish his touch made me excited. I wish it was her hands running over my body. I closed my eyes and pretended it was her sleek fingers and suddenly I was getting turned on. "I just want to make you feel good".

"Fine. Turn off the lights" I told him as the darkness made it easier for me to fantasize about the woman who made my body hot in all the right ways. He started kissing my neck and I slowly pushed his head down to where I needed him. Thoughts of Cheryl took over as I could feel my body reacting from his tongue. I couldn't hold back the moans and a small "Cher" slipped out my mouth.

He stopped his actions "huh?".

"Uhhh. Share!" I blurted out.

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