Chapter 1: Pops Chock'lit Shop

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Toni POV:

"I can't believe I'm going back to Riverdale for this shoot", I laughed while shaking my head in utter shock.

"It'll be nice seeing your old neighborhood, probably will feel like your young again!" Dereck said laughing.

I chuckled teasing that I'm still young, and that 24 isn't even old yet! Unlike him who was 28.

"Harsh.. now hurry up and grab your bag or you'll miss your train"

"I know, I know" as I grabbed my luggage and hopped in our car to be dropped off. The ride was quick and before I knew it we were pulling up to the train station.

He put the car in park and stared at me. With a bit of a sad look in his eye he kissed me and told me he'll miss me, but to have fun while I'm there!

I raised an eyebrow sarcastically, "that's exactly what I'm planning on". But I assured him the 5 days would fly by, and I'd be home before he knew it.

"Maybe you'll find a nice venue for us in Riverdale" he hopefully said.

"Wouldn't that be something, marrying my guy in my home town... Maybe" I said, knowing that wasn't an option. I would never want to get married in Riverdale. That town has too much history for me to start a future in. Too many memories, too much heartbreak to give my heart away.

I would never tell him this, but I know it's something I physically couldn't do. He never knew about Cheryl. Well he knew we were close. But he always assumed it was just a friendship, nothing more. I guess it's my fault for not ever elaborating the extent of our relationship, but at this point it didn't matter.

He kissed me again and I opened the car door. I said bye one more time before exiting the vehicle and walking into the train station.


After a few hours on the train listening to music and watching stupid videos online, I heard the conductor say " Riverdale is the next stop!". The train came upon Riverdale union station and I began to see familiar sights; older buildings that haven't changed a bit, and posters that have been on the walls of the station for decades.

Out of nowhere, my heart began to race. Memories filled my head of being a teenager and roaming these streets with friends and of course her. I quickly dismissed these memories. There's no point dwelling on this I thought to myself. The train came to a stop and I departed thanking the conductor as he stood by the exit.

I walked over the building next door and picked up my rental car. After all that traveling my stomach was growling ferociously and I knew I needed food. I'm in my home town I thought, I need a burger and a chocolate shake from pops!

So there I was, pulling up to the neon lit chock'lit shop just as the sun was setting. It was site for sore eyes and I decided to capture this moment with my camera. Wow I thought, six years since I've seen this place.

I walked through the doors and went straight to the bar to order. I sat at the stool and heard familiar voice shout "Toni!!". It was Pop. I couldn't believe that Pop was still there and let alone that he remembered me. It's been so long since I've seen him. He asked me how I was and of course I filled him in on my adventures and why I was back! It was amazing to have this conversation with him. He eased all my worries of being back.

Before I could order he smiled and said "chocolate shake and a burger?"

I laughed and said "geeze pops, you don't forget a thing!"

"Coming right up" he said with an infectious smile.


Cheryl POV
Since Ashley was away for a few days for another major deal, I had some well deserved me time. I went to the spa, got a manicure and pedicure, and of course visited Nana rose. She's still as witty and clever as she's always been, though the dementia is worsening. As I was leaving to walk home, which was only half a mile away, I decided to call in and order some food for myself. My favorite order from Pops; Strawberry milkshake and fries. "15 minutes" he told me, which was perfect because it was just enough time for me to walk and enjoy the sunset instead of driving.

As I entered through pops, the little chime went off as always. Before I could walk up to the pick up bar something caught my eye that left me dead in my tracks. A girl with brown wavy hair and blonde highlights looking down at her phone. I froze for a moment in denial thinking this can't be her, until I heard her voice.

Toni POV
I stared down at my phone to let Derek know I made it to Riverdale when a milkshake was plopped in front of me with the most mouthwatering burger I've ever seen.
"Enjoy!" Pops elated "made it with extra love just for you"

"Thanks pop, will do" I said excitedly as I took a bite from the burger". It was the best burger I've ever had.

With a full muffled mouth I began to say "pops, this burger is so goo-" as I was interrupted by a familiar voice behind me


A jolt went down my spine because I knew that voice. I've loved that voice. The sweetest voice I've ever heard in my life. Was I hallucinating. Did I make up this voice...her voice, in my head?

I slowly turned around it was no hallucination. It was Cheryl Blossom looking at me like a deer in the headlights...

Forgotten Temptations Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora