Chapter 15: Uncomfortable Situations

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!!!!!Hey guysssss! Read the other story I've been working on, The Thin Line. It actually takes place when Cheryl and Toni meet at Riverdale, and it follows their crazy story!!!!!

Toni POV

The sun poured through the blinds forcing me awaken from my sleep. I couldn't believe it. I was alone. So many thoughts went through my head. Why would she leave me after staying the night. All of the worries I had instantly came back and flooded my drowsy head.

Suddenly the door opened and Cheryl entered holding two coffees and a bag from Pops. She must have noticed the confused mixed with worried look on my face.

"What?" She boldly asked. "I figured you'd be hungry" she then said with a sweet smile. The smile I could look at forever. I shouldn't have ever been so worried.

"You're amazing". I got out of bed and gave her a kiss on the cheek before freshening up in the bathroom. After I was done I walked out to see Cheryl sitting at the table sipping on her coffee, while staring deep into her phone.

"Everything okay?" I gently asked as I grabbed the other coffee cup. Cream and 3 sugars. Leave it to her to remember what I liked.

"It's Ashley...."  she said with a guilty look. I offered a sympathy smile in return. "She's just telling me how horrible of a person I am, and how she'll be out of the house today".

"Oh.." I quietly spoke. For a moment I forgot two lives were ruined by our actions, but no one talks about my Cheryl like that. "Should I kick her ass?" I said with a smile as I sat on the chair next to her.

She tried to hold in her laugh as she smirked. "As much as I'd love to see you get all angry and tough... no.. I deserve what she's saying". She scooted closer to me and put her head on my shoulder as I wrapped an arm around her.

"Fine... but if she keeps it going, I'll happily take her down" I jokingly said... kind of.

"I just feel guilty, but so..., so relieved"

"I know this sucks right now. But is it bad that I'm happy? I don't think I should be this happy, but I am. I finally have the girl of my dreams back in my arms."  I nuzzled my cheek into her head, as she lifted gently to kiss me.

She let out a deep sigh "I'm the happiest I've been in a long time T.T. Let's just enjoy breakfast together and try not to think too much about it."

I grabbed the bag that had a chocolate chip, and blueberry muffin inside. "That's a great idea."

We sat at the table and began to eat our food when my phone went off. It was a text from my boss.

"Good luck today! If we land Riverdale, we'll be able to branch out and open a distribution center there! Make me proud kid!"

I smiled at the thought of making that stern man proud.

"Who has you smiling like that?" She asked with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"My boss... he's wishing me good luck with my meeting with the mayor today. If I can convince them to make our paper the main news coverage for the town, it'll be huge"

"Well if anyone can do it, it's you. And may I add, a meeting with mayor Lodge is pretty big already. Hermione always liked you anyways, so I'm sure it's a no brainer"

"Wait what happened to mayor McCoy? I thought she still was still in office?"

"Have you not been keeping track with Riverdale? McCoy was outvoted last year. Hermione took over and she's actually not  awful." Cheryl said with a shrug as she shoved more muffin into her mouth.

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