Chapter 2: Reintroductions

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Toni POV

Standing there in a red crop top, with high a waisted black skirt was Cheryl.

I attempted to swallowed my bite but the shock of seeing her sent a piece of food down my windpipe, causing me to cough uncontrollably.

"Oh god! Are you okay?" She said staring at me with wide eyes as I continued to hold back my coughing..

"I'm good.." trying hard to sound normal though my voice was strained from still needing to cough.I cleared my throat and took a sip of my shake to make sure everything was down.

Pops yelled from a few feet away "I've got your order Cheryl!", and at the same time as him I accidentally blurted out "strawberry shake and fries".

Coming to terms with what I just did, I looked straight ahead in embarrassment. It was as if it came out automatically. I didn't realize I remembered her order.

"Somethings don't change huh?" as she giggled from my response.

"I guess not" I said trying to contain my smile. I hated the fact that all I wanted to do was smile. I hated that she still had this effect on me.

She told me she couldn't believe it was actually me. "I couldn't believe I was in Riverdale again" I told her.

Pops came over and handed her the bag of food when he asked "did you girls plan this?".

At the same time we said "no" in a stern but laughing manor.

I was honestly still in shock. It's been six years since I kissed her goodbye. Six years since my heart was ripped out of my chest. Six years of moving on from her.

"If you're not busy, join me, we can catch up!" I instantly regretted what I said. Dammit, why did I ask that. Part of me didn't want to be be around her. I'd be lying if a part of me wasn't angry and bitter towards her. Everything I wanted to avoid when we broke up. I hoped she'd say she was in a rush or some excuse to get out of there as soon as possible.

I could tell she hesitated in thought before she agreed and sat down in the seat next to me. "So...." she said with a long pause. "What brings you back? Did you move back?" She asked as she took a sip of her shake.

I noticed with her fidgeting with her bracelets as she spoke. She was nervous to be around me.

"Actually no, I'm here for a photography job. I actually work for The Good Day Times now."

"GET OUT!" She screamed as she pushed my arm in a playful proud manor.

I could tell by her face she felt weird about pushing my arm. As if she didn't mean to do it, but it just happened.

I ignored the awkwardness. "It's true! I'm here to capture the beauty of riverdale for an article that's being written about small towns"

"That's amazing Toni, I'm so happy for yo- IS THAT AN ENGAGEMENT RING?" She screamed as she stared at the rock on my finger.

"It is" I embarrassingly said trying not to blush.
"Soooo, who's the lucky girl?" She asked trying to pry more info from me.

Feeling extremely awkward I replied casually "his name is Derek. He's a lawyer". 


I instantly noticed a look confusion come across her face which she caught quick and then smiled "that's amazing. I'm truly happy for you".

I know her tone. I know she was lying.

She started to pick at her fries avoiding me for a period of time, as if she was upset with me. We ate in silence for what felt like eternity, which was more or less 30 seconds, when I decided to reciprocate the questions.

"You never told me why you're back, I thought you would be in Europe still."

She gently smiled and told me how nana Rose isn't doing too great, and she felt the need to make sure she's not alone during this time.

"I'm so sorry Cheryl, knowing Nana rose, she's one tough woman. She'll be around for a long time" I said smiling.

"Thank you Toni" she said smiling

I could tell she was hurting from this and all I wanted to do was give her a hug, but I know we needed boundaries. At the end of day she wasn't just an old friend. She was so much more.

I figure I'd pry right back when I began to ask if she had anyone special in her life. At the same time her phone began to ring and I noticed the name "Ashley" with heart emojis all around it.

She smiled and excused herself from the bar to take the phone call. She walked outside and I continued to eat and watch the news giving on the small tv across the bar.

When she returned, I raising my brows jokingly and asked "..and who is that?"

"My girlfriend Ashley, we've been together for what is it... a year and a half now?"

"How should I know!" as I laughed at her answer.

"We met when I was working for Bilson Insurance. She's one of their top agents", she proudly exclaimed.

"Good for her, and for you. I'm happy for you both" I said which I really did mean. I always wanted the best for her. She deserved it. For the first time I felt a bit of closure towards her. We were both happy, both moved on. I began to ease up a bit.

Before I knew it, the clock read 8:24pm

"I should get going", I said as I left a 20 dollar bill on the bar.

"Actually I'll walk out with you, it's getting late" she said as she followed.

We said goodbye to Pop and I began to walk towards my car.

"It was nice seeing you Cheryl!"

"You too Toni" she said with what sounded like sass.

I got into my car when I noticed she wasn't driving, but walking down the street. I drove up to her side, rolled my window down, and asked if she needed a ride.

"It's only a mile, I'll be fine" she said as she walked forward.

"It's just about pitch black out here Cheryl. Get in here and let me drive you home".

"I'm good" she protested as she continued to walk now with her arms crossed.

"Dammit Cheryl, get in the car. I'll never be able to live with myself if something happens to you all because you wanted to be stubborn" I shouted aggravated.

"Fine you big baby, take me home" she opened my passenger door and sat down looking irritated.

"Where am I going" I asked quite irritated myself.

"Just go straight, I'll tell you when you need to turn"

"You've never been good with directions Cheryl, but fine." We drove down the street in silence and to my disbelief she got me to her house.

As I pulled up the house I noticed its elegant little features. Trying to end this on good a good note I nicely said, "This is cute Cher".

"Thanks, I loved it once I saw it" she said, sounding slightly in a better mood.

After a slight pause she spoke up, "I'm sorry I was being a bitch, it's just that Ashley is going to be away longer than the night and she just told me. It just irritated me."

"It's fine, you weren't even a bitch, just same ol Cheryl" I said laughing and I noticed a little smirk from her.

"Thank you again for the ride... do you want to maybe see the house?"

I was caught off guard by this.

"Oh, uhh, sure, why not" I said putting my car in park. Did I honestly want to see it, not really. But for some reason, there I was following her into her the large red doors of her home.

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