Chapter 4 - A Blonde, A Burnette, and a Bodyguard

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Felicity's POV

Oliver stormed down the stairs of Verdant with Diggle and Felicity close behind.

"Why is he doing this? The people he's taken have done nothing wrong!" Oliver yelled as he stormed across the lair to the training mats. Felicity watched as he picked up the metal batons that he used when sparring with Diggle and he began attacking the training dummy to release some of his pent up anger.

"Oliver, you've got to stop this. You are not helping anybody by throwing a temper tantrum!" Felicity replied with an angry glare. He had been acting more like the playboy Oliver than he had the Arrow recently and it had to stop. Felicity knew that Oliver could defeat this man if he simply trusted his training and his team.

"Well what do you expect me to do then?" Oliver snapped back the anger evident in his voice.

"Stop thinking like Oliver Queen and start thinking like the Arrow!" Felicity answered calmly. "What would the Arrow do in this situation?" Felicity asked, trying to get Oliver to think clearly.

"He would track down the psychopath that is doing this and kill him. Make sure that he is dead this time!" Oliver replied, a little less loudly.

Felicity smiled, now he was starting to act like the Arrow again. "I've been running searches looking for any trace of him since we found that picture of him outside of Starling National Bank. I've been looking for bank accounts, car rentals, even looking for a credit card trail. I haven't found anything yet but I won't stop looking until I have something."

"Thank you Felicity." Oliver replied with nothing but gratefulness.

"He's got to still be in Starling City. You can't personally abduct three people that quickly and take each of them out of town." Diggle suggested knowing that there simply had not been enough time for that.

"Right! I'm going to start looking for a place where he could be holding them." Felicity replied, already tapping away at her keyboard.

"Oliver, man, you should go be with Thea right now. Your Mother was just abducted and whether Thea wants to admit it or not she needs you!" Diggle stated.

"You're right Dig. Thanks man." Oliver replied. As he was halfway up the stairs though, Oliver paused, turning back to his friends he spoke again.

"Digg, can you take Felicity home tonight, please. I need you guys to stay safe with him out there." Oliver asked, the concern in his voice evident to his friends who knew him better than anyone else.

"Of course man. Go to your sister, we're good here." Diggle replied as he tried to reassure Oliver that he would watch out for Felicity - again.

"Thank you! Goodnight guys." Oliver said with relief. He knew they would be careful with him out there.

"Goodnight Oliver." Diggle and Felicity replied as Oliver climbed the rest of the stairs, heading out to see his sister.


Oliver's POV

"Thea!" Oliver called as he walked into the mansion. He knew she was here, at least this was where her phone was and she was never too far from her phone.

Oliver heard crying from upstairs. It sounded like it was coming from his Mom's room so he took the stairs two at a time, anxious to get to her, to make sure she was okay.

As Oliver walked into his Mom's room he saw Thea. She was sitting in the window seat clutching a photograph and as he walked closer to her he could see that it was one of the three of them, it had been taken right after their Mom was released from prison.

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