Chapter 5 - The Arrow

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Oliver's POV

A blonde, a brunette and a bodyguard….. That can only mean that either Sara or Felicity and Diggle are gone. Oliver thought as he ran down the stairs to the lair, he was hoping he would find the bubbly blond still sitting at her desk.

As he came to the bottom of the stairs he was devastated to find that her seat was empty, pushed away from the computer desk. On the floor not far away was Diggle's gun. This proved that one of his worst fears had come true. The lair had been broken in to and his two closest friends had been taken from right under his nose.

Oliver walked over to the case housing his suit changing quickly before grabbing his bow and quiver from the case, pausing for a moment as he looked at the bow remembering when Felicity had given it to him. She and Diggle had just brought him back from the Island, it had taken a bit of time for them to convince him to go back to being the vigilante and his only excuse had been that his bow had been broken. She then pointed to the case on the table where he found his new bow that she had ordered specifically for him. Now this bow was going to help him free her yet again; and the rest of those he cared about too.

He then went to his workbench and put as many arrows as would fit into the quiver, then strapping it onto his back he turned to head out the door without even bothering to leave a note for Sara. He couldn't risk her coming after him and putting those who had been abducted at risk.

On his way up the stairs he pulled his mask on and flipped up his hood.

"You wanted me…. Now you're going to get me!" Oliver stated with a growl as he climbed on his bike.


Laurel's POV

Laurel sat in her cell shivering from the cold and damp air. She was sitting as close to her Dad in the cell next to her as the shackle on her wrist would allow. He had been telling her that things were going to be okay, that somehow they would make it out of here. He was so sure!

She on the other hand was not. Sure, the Arrow had rescued her before, but that didn't mean he would again. He was probably tired of saving her. Besides, who was to say he would be able to find them in time even if he did come looking.

She looked around at the others in the cells with her. Across from her Father was Walter, the man who had run Oliver's company in the absence of his Dad, who had held the Queen family together after the Gambit went down. He seemed to be handling this better than anyone and Laurel wondered if it had to do with the fact that he had been abducted before. At least this time he doesn't have to handle it alone. Not that that's a good thing, Laurel thought.

Next to him was Moira, Oliver's mother. She was obviously shaken from the experience. Laurel wondered how long Moira would be able to last in conditions such as these, yet she knew that Oliver's mother was stronger than she seemed. After all, she had dealt with the Gambit sinking with her husband and only son on it, she ran Queen Consolidated when Walter was last abducted and she survived prison after the undertaking. Moira was stronger than she looked.

Then there was Felicity. The blonde IT girl from QC. Laurel wondered whose computer Felicity had hacked to get in here with them after all that was the extent of her abilities. Laurel didn't think Felicity was capable of much more than hacking someone's computer, oh and drooling over Oliver, yes she had seen it as Felicity was hardly good at hiding it.

There was an empty cell between Felicity and Oliver's bodyguard, Diggle. This man was a force to be reckoned with. You could tell that by the fact that he was all muscle. She had seen him in action a couple of times and wondered exactly how their captor had managed to get him in here. He looked like he was ready to kill someone.

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