Chapter 28 - Training

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Felicity's POV

It had been three days, three days since they had been rescued, three days since Oliver's heart had stopped beating and three days since she knew that she loved him. It had been a very, very long three days for Felicity though. She had had her hands full trying to keep Oliver entertained in his own home so that he would not return to the foundry too soon and try and train and spar with Sara, Diggle, and Roy.

The group had spent the last three days talking over what had happened. Each person going over how he or she had been abducted by Malcolm and sorting through the memories that plagued each and every one of them. They all had demons to battle now but they were able to do it together. Oliver still didn't open up about what happened on the Island but he did talk about what had happened with Malcolm. He did so to help ease the pain and guilt of everyone else that was there. They all still had a lot of questions, and Oliver was trying to answer them, but there were some things that he just wasn't ready to talk about yet.

It was due to the fact that they all had cabin fever that Felicity suggested the dinner. She also knew that the Team was dying to get back into training and they weren't able to do so yet because it took all of them to keep Oliver from running away from the mansion on his Ducati. Something that Diggle knew firsthand about.

The plan was that the Team would head to the lair early afternoon and make sure everything was sorted out, take inventory of what supplies they needed, Felicity would get a head start on the search for the next Arrow target and the rest could run through a simple workout. Felicity knew that Oliver wouldn't want to do a light workout and she hoped that Sara and Diggle would find a way to keep him from pushing himself.

This is how Felicity found herself to be sitting at her precious computers on a sunny afternoon. It has been three days exactly since she heard Oliver's heart stop beating on the medical table just across the room from her. She was trying to keep herself focused on the present though by watching the Team at work.

Sara was currently on the Salmon Ladder warming up in preparation for the sparring that she was going to be doing with Diggle. Oliver was standing next to Roy and they were working on their target practice. Well, okay, Roy was working on his target practice, Oliver was just getting his muscles to work properly for him again. He was making sure that his left shoulder wasn't going to cause him any problems from the dislocation and he was stretching his right shoulder and arm again after the wound from the arrow. She didn't know why he bothered though, his form was still perfect and his aim was still even better.

Felicity turned back to her computers. She was trying to find the next target for Team Arrow to track down but surprisingly the city was relatively quiet right now. That can either be a really good thing, or a really bad thing. She searched through news feeds and finally found that someone was shipping in military grade weapons again. She started a few searches to hopefully track down a couple of clues before she presented the new target to the Team.

Just as Felicity finished starting the searches she noticed that people were starting to arrive upstairs. She had told everyone to meet up by the bar in Verdant and she would bring them down from there. They were bringing lunch from Big Belly Burger and Felicity's stomach was growling so she was happy that they were finally here.

"I'm heading upstairs to grab everyone and bring down dinner." Felicity said to the Team as she headed to the stairs. She wasn't surprised when she didn't get a response from anyone, they were all too busy showing off to each other again.

Felicity walked into the bar just as Lance and Laurel were arriving with the last of the food. She noticed that everyone was a bit nervous and it didn't surprise her in the least. She knew that they were probably hesitant to go back downstairs after everything that happened last time they were there. Felicity couldn't help but smile to herself as she noticed that Laurel's split lip was still healing. Yeah, that's right, he kissed me not you gorgeous Laurel! Felicity thought, pleased that Oliver had finally shown her some of his true feelings.

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