Chapter 19 - The Battle

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Mixed POV's

Diggle and Sara had heard Oliver's comment and knew that they were taking no prisoners. That's what Malcolm gets for hurting Felicity. I guess he never learned rule number one: Never get, or even try to get, between Oliver and Felicity. Diggle thought, trying to hold in his laughter.

As they walked in the room Felicity knew that things were about to get tricky. They were outnumbered and half of their Team was injured. She looked to Oliver who looked angry and yet a bit hesitant. And she knew that he would be struggling with having to kill Tommy's father. Normally she wouldn't say much in a case like this but she knew that she needed to give him some encouragement. "Oliver, remember rule number twelve. Only kill when there is no choice, when a team member is in danger there is no choice. Your whole team is here!"

Roy almost laughed out loud. He remembered his list of rules and could tell just by looking that Malcolm had broken rule number one. He grinned as he directed Walter, Moira, Laurel, and Felicity back against the wall. He knew Lance would be capable of holding off some of the attackers but the others would not be able to do so.

Lance watched Roy as he directed the others against the wall. Obviously this young man had grown up some from the street kid he used to arrest because now he was putting himself between the good guys and the bad guys to keep the innocent safe. Lance walked closer to them and nodded to Roy to indicate that he would help protect them. He then turned to watch as the rest of Team Arrow prepared for battle.

Oliver heard the group behind him shifting and after a quick glance noticed that Roy and Lance were standing guard in front of the rest. This would now allow Sara, Diggle, and he to be able to focus on the group in front of them. Wordlessly they spread out, Sara to the right, Digg to the left, and Oliver down the middle with bow at the ready, prepared for the fight about to start.

Malcolm smiled as he watched the group in front of him shift, obviously preparing to attack. He took a few steps back before looking to his men and yelling, "Attack!"

In a split second all hell broke loose. Malcolm's men and Team Arrow ran towards each other at full speed colliding with a roar. Sara and Diggle were able to move quickly through the men they were fighting because they knew that speed and agility were more important than brute strength, a lesson Malcolm's men apparently had never learned.

Oliver made his way up the middle of the room with a single goal in mind – Malcolm. He was able to take care of a few of Malcolm's men on the way with arrows and knocked one out with a well-placed punch. As he got closer to Malcolm he had one thing in mind – payback.

Lance watched as the last of Malcolm's men fell. Team Arrow took care of twenty plus men in a matter of minutes without ever saying a word to each other. It never ceased to amaze him how well this Team worked together, he had never seen anything like it. He watched as Oliver and Malcolm squared off pacing around each other, sizing each other up, as Sara and Diggle came up on either side, ready to help if needed and taking care of the remaining men that had not been killed yet.

Suddenly Malcolm and Oliver collided with a roar, both using their bows as weapons as well as throwing punches. Lance watched as the men exchanged numerous punches and kicks, surprised when Malcolm hit Oliver in his injured side and Oliver didn't even make a sound much less slow down. It seemed like they had been fighting forever when he noticed Malcolm pull an arrow from his quiver and jab in into Oliver's thigh. This time he heard a small cry of pain from the young man, he must have not been expecting that to happen, right before he pulled it from his own leg. At that moment Sara and Diggle joined the fight. Lance watched as the speed and intensity of the fight increased. They were all throwing punches and kicks almost faster than he could keep up with. After a few moments it seemed the team was finally gaining the upper hand as he noticed that Oliver had Malcolm in a choke hold. He was surprised as he heard what Oliver said.

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