Chapter 25 - The Queen Mansion

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Mixed POV

Everyone rode in an easy silence on the way to the Queen mansion. Roy had called Thea to let them know that they were on their way and she was anxiously awaiting their arrival. He knew that she would be excited to have her family back.

Oliver stepped out of the van first and he helped everyone else out before leading the way inside. As the group made it about half-way to the front door it swung open and Thea came running out.

"Ollie!" The screamed as she ran towards the group, clearly excited and relieved to have them back at home. She ran straight to her brother and tightly wrapped her arms around him hugging him tight.

Oliver saw Thea heading his direction and he braced himself for the inevitable impact that there was going to be when his sister made it to him. As prepared as he was though, Oliver was unable to keep a small, quiet grunt from escaping and a flash of pain on his face from showing when his sister slammed into him. He returned the hug when she wrapped her arms around him ignoring the flash of pain from his side, ribs, and back. Despite that however, Oliver was relieved when Thea finally let go of him and moved on to their Mom. He took a deep breath as he turned to the rest of the grouppurposefully ignoring the looks of disbelief from Laurel, Lance, Walter, and his Mom. He knew that they would have something to say about it later but chose to move inside for now.

As the group slowly walked inside Sara watched Oliver for any signs of pain. She knew that he had to be hurting again no small amount thanks to Thea slamming into him and trying to squeeze the life out of him. She knew that she would need to check some of his bandages pretty quick to make sure his wounds were not bleeding again.

"Welcome home again Mrs. Queen, Mr. Steele, Oliver." Raisa said with a smile as the group filled the entryway. "There are light snacks in the sitting room and dinner will be ready at six." She informed them. 

"Thank you Raisa." Oliver said with a smile as most of the group moved to the sitting room. As Oliver turned to head that way too, Felicity walked up to him and laid a hand on his arm to stop him.

"I know you're in pain Oliver. You may have been able to hide it from everyone else, but I saw it!" Felicity stated quietly to Oliver. She gave him a small reassuring smile, wanting him to know that the Team had his back, still. "We should head upstairs and redo some of your bandages, they are starting to bleed through again." She pointed out as Sara walked up to them with the medical bags.

"Felicity's right Oliver. Your back is bleeding again as well as your side and it's starting to show through your shirt a bit. Let's head upstairs to your room. Diggle can let everyone know we'll be down in a bit." Sara said as she headed towards the stairs.

Oliver tried to ignore the pain in his body as he slowly made his way up to his room so that they could change some of his bandages. He was thankful that his Team was looking out for him.

Thea's POV

Thea heard the van pull in to the driveway and ran towards the front door. Her family had been missing for a few days and she was extremely worried about them. When Walter had come to talk to her in the Club she was so thankful that everyone was out and okay. She had been slightly worried when he mentioned that everyone was undergoing medical treatment, but she figured that it was simply routine as Walter hadn't said otherwise and she was sure he would have told her if there were any major injuries. 

Thea ran out the front door and straight to the first person that she saw, Oliver. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him as tight as she could. She was so excited to have her family back again and she never wanted to let them out of her sight for the rest of her life - especially as it wasn't the first time that Oliver and Walter had disappeared on her.

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