Chapter 1 - Walter

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Walter's POV

It was a cold, dark night in Starling City. The sky was filled with clouds, heavy with rain just waiting to fall. Walter thought it was fitting. It had been a long week with Thea going missing. He may not be her real father but she still felt like a daughter to him. When she made it home he was finally able to breathe easier. However, he was still worried about how the experience was going to affect her. She was a strong young woman and Walter simply hoped that she would be able to come back from this.

The sky opened up and it started to pour as he reached his car. He unlocked it and got in as quickly as he could, getting soaked wasn't high on the list of things he wanted to do tonight.

As he was putting the key in the ignition he heard a click right behind him. He nervously looked up into the rear view mirror to see a man with a black mask in his back seat holding a gun to his head.

"Struggling is useless." A deep voice said in his ear. The next thing he knew there was a cloth placed over his nose and mouth. "Not again." He thought as he drifted into darkness.

When Walter came to the first thing he noticed was his head was pounding. After a few deep breaths he risked opening his eyes. He noticed that he was in a cell with thick metal bars embedded into the rock walls. It was damp and cold, Walter reached out to the wall to steady himself as he stood.

He started to walk slowly to the front of the cell to try and look around more when he felt a cold tug on his wrist. Looking down Walter saw that there was a metal shackle with a heavy chain bolted into the rock wall. He realized that he wasn't going to be able to move more than a few feet around his cell.

As his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting he began to be able to make out more of his surroundings. He was in the first of several similar cells. They lined three of the walls in a large room and on the fourth wall there was what appeared to be a very heavy metal door. The center of the room simply held a small wooden table.

It was nothing like the last prison Walter had been in. This was obviously meant to hold more than just him and he shuddered to think about who else would share his prison. He sat in the corner of his cell wondering what his fate was going to be.

Mixed POV

"Oliver, you need to see this!" Felicity Called.

Oliver looked down from the top of the salmon ladder. He had been putting himself through a rigorous workout this evening, probably due to the fact that Slade was tearing his world apart.

"What's going on Felicity?" Oliver asked as he silently dropped from the ladder and walked over to her bank of computers. She brought up the news feed that she had just found.

"Braking News: Walter Steele, CFO of Starling National Bank, went missing this evening. He was last seen leaving Starling National Bank on his way to a meeting with Mayoral Candidate Moira Queen. His car and all personal effects were found still in the parking lot of Starling National. This is the second time Mr. Steele has gone missing…."


"I'm bringing up all the camera feeds around the bank." Felicity said, interrupting Oliver. "I'm also running facial recognition on anyone and everyone near the bank in the last twelve hours. If there is anything there, trust me, I'll find it."

Oliver turned at the sound of Diggle running down the stairs to the lair.

"Oliver, this was left on the dash of his car."

Diggle handed him a plain white envelope with his name written in bold, black letters on the front of it.

Oliver opened the envelope and after reading the note he threw it onto Felicity's desk on his way over to the dummy by the training mats. With a loud yell of anger and frustration he hit it with such force that he broke one of the arms off.

Diggle stepped up next to Felicity as she picked up the note and read it. In the same bold, black writing as the envelope was this message:

"This is just the beginning"

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