Chapter 20 - The Showdown

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Mixed POV

Roy and Diggle quickly brought Oliver down into the lair and headed straight for the medical bay where Sara was standing waiting. They had obviously prepared for the worst as all the supplies were neatly laid out and ready for use.

"How are we going to do this guys? He has injuries everywhere." Roy asked as they neared the medical table.

"We need to take care of his back first so that we can lay him down. Here, let's sit him on the table and I'll support him. Sara you take care of his back, be careful though, Malcolm shredded it with a whip so the quiver is probably not going to come off easy. Roy, you get a couple of sheets and be ready to lay them down so that his back isn't touching the cold steel." Digg gave out the orders quickly knowing that they had to move fast.

Sara was worried for Oliver. She had been able to tell that he was seriously injured and didn't hadn't missed the look of pain that had crossed his face when he strapped the quiver on. But she didn't realize the extent of the damage to his back until she started to remove the quiver. It was slow going, she had to be extremely careful when removing the quiver and felt bad for tearing up more of his back in the process. When she finally was able to get it off she had to stop for a second to take a deep breath. She could see where the lashes from the whip had cut open his back in several places and, as well as that, she could see the places where he had been burned from being electrocuted, probably a generator again. She thought as she remembered what he looked like after he came back from the Amazo with Slade.

Sara quickly got to work cleaning and stitching up his back knowing that he had more injuries that they had to get to as well. She knew that Oliver had been through a lot before and that he would be fine, however, she didn't want him to be in more pain than necessary when she could do something about it.

Lance POV

Lance could not believe his eyes as he reached the last step. He was finally in the Arrows 'secret lair'. Wait a minute, didn't I search down here once? There definitely wasn't a set up like this then. I wonder when he came down here. Lance thought, clearly remembering searching the whole place when he was investigating Vertigo the second time.

As Lance walked towards the center of the room he could not help but be in awe of what was in the lair. He waked past racks of arrows in various stages of completion. He saw the case that most likely housed Oliver's leather suit, the case that held the bow, the massive bank of computers in the middle of the room, the training area on the other side of the lair but what finally drew his attention was the medical area. Sara, Roy and Diggle were sitting Oliver on a steel table surrounded by a huge assortment of medical supplies. No wonder they wanted to come here. They have everything that they need. He thought as he walked towards them, careful to stay out of the way but close enough that he could see what was going on.

Moira's POV

Moira could not believe her eyes as she descended the stairs. She knew her son had been putting a lot of time in out here but she didn't realize that his base of operations was below the club. It does make perfect sense now. He can easily come out here for hours and people would think he is simply in the club. I wonder if Thea knows. Moira suddenly let out a gasp and her eyes got wide. "Has anyone told Thea that we are okay? That we are safe?"

"I was going to go talk to her as soon as we get Oliver situated." Roy responded with a quick glance at Moira.

"Why don't you let me go talk to her, that way you both are available here if you are needed." Walter replied. Moira could tell that he was concerned for Thea but also knew that Roy might very well be needed here and that she was in no shape right now to talk to her daughter.

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