Chapter 7 - It Begins

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Mixed POV

Laurel couldn't believe it. She had just witnessed Mr. Diggle dislocate his thumb to get out of the shackle before popping the Arrow's shoulder back into place; and now the Arrow was sitting as close to Felicity as their prison would allow. It seemed to Laurel that these guys had worked together before, or at least knew each other. She wondered exactly what their relationship entailed, but more than that she wondered just who was this man under the hood.

It had been an hour at least since Malcolm Merlyn was last in the cell block and Felicity knew that he would be coming back soon. There was no way Merlyn was going to leave them in peace for any extended periods of time. She looked over to where Oliver was sitting, wishing with everything that was in her that she could reach just two more feet so that she could touch him, so that she could anchor him back down. Felicity knew Oliver would be blaming himself for what was happening, he always did. However, Felicity knew that he would be extra hard on himself this time since he had supposedly killed Merlyn the night of the Undertaking.

Moira had watched in curiosity as the scene unfolded in front of her. She knew that Mr. Diggle was ex Special Forces so he was probably trained in how to get out of things such as the shackle, however it was completely different knowing it and seeing it actually being done. She was thankful that he had had the courtesy and the medical knowledge to take care of Oliver's shoulder. She knew that her son had to be in a large amount of pain and she was surprised that he did not show it in any way. As she watched him sit next to Felicity's cell Moira wondered just how close the two of them really were, if all the rumors at QC about them really were true.

Suddenly the door opened again and in walked Malcolm with two of his goons by his side again. He carried with him a bag that he brought to the table in the middle of the room before walking towards Walter's cell. He instructed two guards to go in, unshackle Walter and bring him to the center of the room where they bound his hands and attached them to the chains above his head. Thankfully though they did not string him up quite as high as they did with the Arrow and he was able to stand easily on the ground, even though his arms were stretched uncomfortably over his head.

"Walter Steele." Malcolm stated as he slowly walked around Walter. "You were the first to find evidence of the Undertaking in the form of that small notebook of Moira's. If you had not discovered it, and pursued it, then you would not have been abducted on that first occasion. Thankfully for you though, someone was there so save you. Do you think anyone will stand up for you now?" Malcolm stated with a snarl.

Oliver slowly stood to his feet and walked to the front of his cell as soon as they entered Walter's cell, worried about what they were going to do to him. As they strung Walter up Oliver knew that this was not going to end well for Walter. When Malcolm made his statement Oliver knew what he had to do.

"I'll take his place." The Arrow stated, the voice changer making it sound like a growl.

"How noble. Fine." Malcolm replied as he reached into his bag. He pulled out a tazer and as he looked at Oliver he said, "I'll let him go in just a moment, he isn't getting away scotch free." As he finished the statement he turned to Walter and pushed the tazer into his chest holding it for a few moments.

Walter let out a scream of pain as it felt like he was burning where the tazer had touched his skin. He was breathing hard as Malcolm then walked around him, laughing, before putting the tazer to his back eliciting another scream from Walter.

"Stop!" The Arrow growled. "Let me take his place! There is no need to hurt him anymore."

"Ah, The Arrow, sacrificing himself yet again so another won't be hurt." Walter replied with a grin. Turning to his goons he stated, "Take him down and bring the Arrow out again. No fighting back!" Malcolm stated as he looked at Oliver.

As the two men took Walter down from where he hung Malcolm walked around the cells looking intently at each person. "If Walter had not pursued information about the notebook then he would not be here today. It is his curiosity that has caused him this pain."

As the men threw Walter back into his cell, locking it behind him Malcolm stopped in front of Oliver's cell. He looked too pleased that Oliver had volunteered to take Walter's place.

The men then came over to Oliver's cell, "Step to the back of the cell." One of the men demanded.

"You don't have to drag me, I'll come willingly if you won't hurt anyone else." Oliver stated quietly as he walked out of the cell. As he reached the center of the room the men grabbed him roughly and proceeded to chain him up in the middle of the room again, lifting him up so that his boots barely touched the ground and putting strain on his injured shoulder for the second time.

As the men did this Malcolm started to take some things out of his bag and placing them on the table. Once they were finished Malcolm walked around Oliver with a sword in his hand.

Moira was horrified by the fact that Oliver had volunteered to be tortured and that Malcolm was carrying a sword. She was terrified about what he would do with it. She watched as Malcolm slowly cut Oliver's jacket off him with the sword. Moira knew that her son's secret was out, everyone in this room would now know who the Arrow was.

Everyone watched as the Arrow lost his jacket to Malcolm's sword. A few gasps were heard as Laurel, Walter and Lance learned who the man under the hood was, Oliver.

Oliver on the other hand was looking Malcolm straight in the eyes, almost daring him to do his worst.

After Malcolm had rid Oliver of his jacket, hood, mask, and the voice changer he then walked over to the table, picking up a couple of items off of it. Oliver looked up, recognizing what was about to happen. Oliver searched for Felicity, looking her in the eyes knowing it would keep him focused if he could concentrate on just her.

Malcolm nodded to one of the other men that had come in with him and Oliver felt a bucket of cold water being dumped on him. Gritting his teeth he prepared for what was next.

Malcolm had brought in a small generator and was about to use it to shock Oliver.

"Since you volunteered to take another's punishment you should at least get the best of it." Malcolm stated just before he reached out and shocked Oliver in the back.

Oliver clamped his jaw tightly in order to keep from screaming. He was not going to give this maniac the satisfaction of hearing his screams. However, he was unable to stop the tremors going through his body and this was clear for the others to see.

Malcolm repeated this punishment several times to the sounds of Laurel and Moira's pleas for him to stop. The only woman in the room who was not saying anything during the whole time was Felicity. She stood as for towards the front of her cell as she could looking Oliver in the eyes, hoping to pass on some strength and encouragement to him and letting him know that he did not have to go through this alone - she was there for him every step of the way.

Malcolm suddenly stopped after several minutes of shocking Oliver with the generator. He wasn't getting quite the response he wanted so he decided it was enough for the time being. He would leave Oliver alone for now instead using this experience so the others knew what could happen to them.

"Take him down." Malcolm ordered the other two men.

They loosened the chains which caused Oliver to drop to the floor with a small grunt of pain. They then threw him back into his cell where he landed face down next to Felicity's cell.

"Let this be an example to you all of what I am capable of doing, and know that this is only the beginning." Malcolm stated with an evil grin on his face. As he turned to walk out he ordered the two men with him to unshackle the remaining prisoners, he didn't think they would try an escape at the moment, not with their hero unable to move and a promise for more

As soon as the men walked out the door and the lock clicked shut Felicity moved over to where Oliver laid next to her cell. She reached through the bars and lay a comforting hand on his back, careful not to touch where Malcolm had shocked him. She wanted to be sure that he knew she was there for him no matter what happened.

"Thank you.' Oliver said allowing some of his emotions to be heard in his voice even though he was a bit hoarse after holding in the screams for so long.

"Always." Felicity replied looking him in the eyes, hoping that he could see that she meant it. After all, she was his girl!

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