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Deathbringer had slept in Glory's tent for the rest of the trip. Despite it being awkward...he was in bliss. Deathbringer dismantled Glory's tent as a thank you. He lugged it to the trunk of the car. He handed the tent to Turtle who was packing up all of their stuff.

"So you and Glory slept in the same tent the entire trip...right?" Turtle asked.

"Yeah," Deathbringer said. "The first night i forgot to set my tent up. The nights after that...I had an invitation.

"Well lynx and qibli's wedding is in two weeks. Will you be going? "

"Of course. Qibli and Glory are close. They stayed in touch even after our band fell apart and school ended, we all did but they were frequently at each other's houses and all that stuff so yeah. "

"Oh, cool."



Lynx sat on the couch, Quartz cuddled into the crook of her arm.

"Qibli, can you get me my phone please? It's in the bathroom."

In two weeks lynx and qibli would finally be married.

Qibli brought lynx for her phone.

They traded. Baby for phone.

Qibli was a sucker for quartz.

Lynz texted her parents. They knew she was engaged, but they didnt know she had quartz. She couldn't just avoid her parents for 9 months.

"Hey qibli, I just invited my mom and dad over for dinner. Tomorrow."

Qibli looked surprised. He knew her parents, he had met them several times before. But quartz...

The next day at dinner.

Qibli put lynx down in her room. Lynx was in the kitchen making a salad.

The doorbell rang.

Qibli got the door.

Lynxes mom immediately enveloped Qibli in a huge awkward hug.

Her dad and qibli traded hellos and handshakes.

Qibli led them into their small kitchen.

Lynx hugged her parents.

"Hi guys!!" She exclaimed.

"Lynx!!! Baby, you look...pregnant actually" Her mom said.

"Are you?" Her mom asked.

"No, I am" way past that.

"Are you kidding me?!?!? You turned me into a grandma?!? I am only 42 lynx!

Qibli earned a glare from Lynx's Father.

"Well, Let me see the baby!" Lynx's Mom said, still fuming.
Qibli hurried to grab Quartz

"Mom, I know this is crazy but...Qibli and I are getting married in two weeks. It will be ok."
"It better be."


Why peril said no to clay, she didn't know.

Oh peril, you have been wanting this for months now...And you decline it? What's wrong with you?!?! She thought to herself. Peril's thoughts got the better of her. She turned her car around and headed to clay's apartment.

"Clay!" Peril said barging in. "I am so sorry. I wasn't thinking...if the invitation is still out there....i would love to accept it, I would love to marry you clay. I love you.

Clay looked up from his place on the couch. His frown slowly turned upside down. Peril took a few large steps to meet him and kissed him. Hard. on the lips. She took his face in his and kept going. She felt his hands work their way up her spine. She shivered. Heaven. Bliss.

They broke apart both breathless. Clay pressed his forehead against hers. "Peril, you broke my heart back there. Never do that again. Please." "I don't plan on it." Then she kissed him as he slipped the ring ruby on her finger.

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