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Glory's thumbs flew across her phone excitedly.

Glory: Hey, girls sleepover at my house!

A few minutes later and all the girls had responded.

"Hey Grandma!" Glory yelled, "can everyone come over tonight?"

"Sure!" She also yelled from across the mansion.

Later that night...

"Hi everyone!" Glory said setting down the last bowls of candy and popcorn.

Tsunami, Kinkajou, Sunny, Fatespeaker, and Lynx all had set their backpacks down and settled in the huge living room.

"So first is first! Who's ready for truth or dare?" Glory said almost mischievously. "Fatespeaker, truth or dare."

Fatespeaker glanced at Glory's face, "Truth."

"Okay," Glory said and thought for a few seconds. "Spill the tea about you and Starflight!"

All the girls "ooo'ed!"

"Ohhh." Fatespeaker said blushing. "Um, so Starflight and I were assigned a science project together and then he asked me out so I went..." Fatespeaker kept fiddling with her ring as she continued. "and we've been dating for a few months and," She held up her left hand as she was talking. "Now I'm engaged!"

None of the girls had heard the news yet and jumped up shrieking with happiness. Once they had finally calmed down, Glory said, "Anyone else hiding an engagement?"

Tsunami raised her left hand too. "Riptide and I have been engaged for a few weeks."

Everyone was super happy for her. Glory gave a weak smirk, "that's great!" she said. "Sunny truth or dare."

Glory thinking she would pick truth had a great idea, but to her surprise Sunny said, "Dare, I'm feeling brave tonight."

I always had good dares, Glory thought as an evil smile crept up her face. "Okay, I dare you to walk down the street yelling Yankee doodle with a clown wig on."

Sunny didn't think it would be this bad but she didn't have much of a choice. "This is gonna be good." Glory said as Sunny walked out the door.

"I have an idea." said Tsunami. "Riptide told me him and the boys were all staying at Clay's house tonight. We should totally prank them."

Clay's house

The girls crept quietly into the clean house. "I almost feel bad about this, Fatespeaker whispered, "but not really."

"Okay girls divide and conquer." Tsunami said with an evil look in her eye. Soon they were done everyone else got out quickly but glory stayed back to survey their work. They had even set up cameras.

Nice, she thought, they are going to be surprised for sure. Glory heard a noise behind her, she spun around guess who it was, Deathbringer of course she thought.

"Hey," he mumbled looking half asleep. "Your hot, do you wanna come over because at my place clothes are 100% off." It took glory a minute to realize what he had just said when she did she slapped him.

"Deathbringer!" she yelled. Then she quickly realized he had been sleepwalking. Oh no now he was awake!

"Glory what are you doing here??" Glory panicked what should I do? He asked a few more questions that glory didn't answer instead Glory kissed him.

It's just a distraction! she thought, but at the same time... she wanted it to be more than just that. No stop. she thought, I can't do this there is no way.

Glory left his lips than ran outside jumped into her car and drove away.

"What took you so long?" Tsunami asked when they were back at the house.

"Nothing," she replied "wanna watch a scary movie?"

"Sure!" Tsunami and most of the girls said eagerly. Glory kept on thinking about Deathbringer and how she wished he was here too.

The next day.

"Hey Glory," Tsunami said after her and Glory had breakfast. "Riptide just texted and asked if we wanted to watch our success at pranking them."

"Tell him we will be over soon." Glory said smiling.

Clay's House

The girls sat on the couch to watch the video from their cameras they set up. Riptide turned the TV on.

"Can I watch you guys set up the pranks if that's okay? I would love to know." Before Glory could answer he turned it on.

After the pranks were set up Riptide was about to fast forward but a figure caught his eye.

"Hold up, is that glory?" he asked.

"Yeah..." Tsunami answered she was a little late.

"Wait-" Kinkajou said.

Death bringer just walked in. Oh no no nooo! Glory thought. Each second felt like a lifetime to Glory. Before she knew it all her friends were watching Glory and Deathbringer kiss.

Glory buried her red face in her hands and ran out of the room she had never felt more embarrassed in her life.

"Glory wait...!" Deathbringer's voice trailed off, it was too late. She was gone.

glorybringer!!!!! as humansTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang