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Glory and Kinkajou were at the mall shopping. "So Glory what's up with Deathbringer?" Kinkajou asked.

"Oh nothing." Glory replied. "How's it going with Turtle?"

"Oh my gosh he is like the most oblivious boy to cross the earth. Well other than Clay but he seriously can't take the hint. We've been dating for three years I am crazy about him, I know he loves me back but he just doesn't get the hint it's like he doesn't want to get married or anything. Do you think it's another girl?" Kinkajou ranted.

Glory smiled at her friend. "Of course he loves you! But have you met your boyfriend? He's just extremely shy, it's a good thing he as you as his girlfriend."

"I don't want to be his girlfriend! I want to be his fiancé!" Kinkajou wined.

"This is a pretty dress isn't it." Glory held up a tie dye dress with a jean jacket. "You should totally wear it to the concert tonight!"

"Oh," kinkajou breathed, "it's gorgeous totally me!"

~At the concert~

The first notes of the song zinged through the air.

The night was magical. It's perfect Kinkajou thought. If only Turtle was here.

Kinkajou and Glory danced and swayed and screamed like all the other fangirls. Well Glory didn't scream but whatever. Kinkajous mind couldn't help but wander to Turtle. She loved him so much. There was a tap on her shoulder she turned around and screamed.

Glory POV

Glory had lost herself in the music. The crowd was so loud she couldn't hear Kinkajous scream.

When Glory notice Kinkajou was missing she panicked. Maybe Kinkajou went to the bathroom?

Oh no Glacier and Blaze would kill her for losing their daughter.

Glory ran around searching.

At last she found Kinkajou she wasn't alone. She was kissing someone. Glory couldn't tell who it was she quickly snapped a picture for Turtle later just in case.

Glory readied herself for a fight. You never know.

Glory approached kinkajou and the figure. They still didn't see her. She noticed something shiny on Kinkajous ring finger.

Why was Kinkajou crying and kissing this figure?

Kinkajou POV

Kinkajou screamed, it was Turtle! He pulled her back behind the bathrooms. He got down on one knee. And there it was the thing she had been waiting for. A ring. It was a gold band with diamonds in the shape of a flower.

"No flower could be more beautiful and perfect as my Kinkajou." Turtle said.

Kinkajou started to cry. She was so happy! She kissed him over and over again.

Behind her she heard someone walking towards her.

Kinkajou that someone called out. It was Glory.

"Are you okay??" she ran up to Kinkajou.

"Yes I'm fine." She grinned look she said and showed Glory her finger. "I got engaged to Turtle!"

"Oh," glory said. "Congrats!"

"I know! I am so happy!" kinkajou exclaimed.

"When's the wedding?" Glory smiled.

glorybringer!!!!! as humansKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat