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"I am getting that tattoo Kestral...I am 22 years old and I can make my own decisions.........."

"Peril.." Kestrel started..."I know you're a grown woman now...but I missed out on teaching you so much...and..I just want what's best for you..."

"I don't care anymore...goodbye."

~The tattoo place~

Peril walked in feeling sad but like she had something to prove...

The tattoo shop was a shady place, in the corner there was a worker with a name tag reading, Sirocco, he reeked of alcohol and was mumbling, "the only good tattoo is a skull...skull....skulllllz."

Creepy...Peril thought.

"Welcome to our quaint little place..." snarled a sinister looking woman in her mid 40s. "What can I do for you...maybe a tattoo here or here." she said pointing to various spots. "Oh and I am Cobra....nice to meet you."

The man in the corner whose name was Sirocco stumbled in a second later "Hey, pretty." he said "I am Sirocco, I'll give you a discount on any tattoo on special lady parts!" he chuckled to himself drunkenly and stumbled away to grab another beer.

"Um I got lost but I am gonna go now." Peril said hurriedly as an excuse to get out as fast as she could.

She texted Clay:

Peril: Are you home? Could I stop by?

Clay: Sure come on over... I have a surprise...

Peril: Ok I'll be there in 10 minutes

Clay: Ok I await your arrival...:)

Aww Peril thought to herself, how cute..

~Clay's house~

Peril recounted her tattoo story and the fight with her mom.

"It's okay." Clay said "do you want to stay at my house tonight?"

Sure, I would love that...

"Wait, didn't you say you have a surprise for me?" Peril questioned. "What is it?"

"Promise you won't laugh at me?"


"Okay let me grab it."

When Clay came back he had a little black box in his hand.

"Peril Fireclaw...will you marry me? I'll love you until the day I die..I want to be the only one to ever touch you and all that sappy stuff....please Peril?

Peril fought the happy tears...she wasn't one to cry "Oh Clay..." she responded, but then remembered her mother. "I-I-I can't..."

glorybringer!!!!! as humansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora