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"Mom I do not need a party!" Sunny grumbled she had woken up from her coma a few days before.

"Sunny don't go there you are having a party deal with it."

Sunny didn't know the details but it was a formal party. Thorn had arrived early to set up decorations and lay out food. The first person to arrive was Glory other than Sage who was helping set up. She had thrown on her old prom outfit, a strapless green silk dress.

(I'm going to put the pictures of what each person wore to the party on the next chapter.)

Kinkajou and Turtle came next. Kinkajou in a pink ruffle dress and Turtle in a green silk suit.

Clay and Peril came. Clay in a brown suit and Peril in a red dress.

Next came Qibli and Moon. Moon in a navy blue dress with navy blue cluster feather earrings, and Qibli in a normal suit.

Winter and Lynx arrived turning the most heads with Winters bright white suit and Lynx's mirror dress.

Starflight arrived with Fatespeaker in a classic black suit and her in a black dress.

Riptide and Tsunami came soon after, Riptide wearing a black suit and Tsunami in a blue green flowing dress.

And Deathbringer arrived a little late with a black suit. He went straight over to Glory and said something that made her roll her eyes.

So far so good, Thorn thought. Winter was missing and Moon was heading to the bathroom but other than that everyone was here.

Glory POV

"Hey Tsunami! Do you know if Anemone and Tamarin are coming?" Glory asked.

"Actually no they couldn't make it." Tsunami replied.

"Oh okay."

Lynx POV

Lynx was standing near the punch and looking out at the dance floor waiting for Winter when she heard a noise behind her she turned around.

"Hey Qibli." she said. Qibli was filling his cup with the punch.

"Oh hey," Lynx he answered, "waiting for winter?"

"Yep." she said.

"Oh I'm waiting for the moon to."

The two of them kept talking. Qibli is so funny Lynx thought. He said something that made her laugh so hard that she dropped her punch.

"Oh sorry." Lynx looked around. "Do you know where the cleaning supplies are?" she asked Qibli.

"Yeah I'll show you right this way."

Qibli is smart, funny but also quiet and serious at times. Lynx observed. He was also pretty cute but not nearly as dashing as Winter.

"And here we are madam!" Qibli said pulling her out of her thoughts. "The cleaning supplies!"

"Thanks." Lynx said.

"No problem." Qibli said opening the cleaning closet for her. Qibli and Lynx gasped.

Lynx immediately turned, running away crying her eyes out Qibli just stood there and stared.

Qibli POV

He just stood there staring at the sight before him. Moon his beloved, kissing his best friend, Winter.

"Qibli," Moon started. "

"No," he said, "don't."

Winter's face was emotionless but after 10 years of friendship Qibli could tell Winter was about to erupt.

glorybringer!!!!! as humansNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ