Chapter XI: The Swamp

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A pervasive odor filled the turquoise marshy lands. The rain never stopped for a single moment, and thick overgrowth of various dark and bushy plants covered the muddy path. A single moss covered stony and rugged pathway went through the middle, both sides submerged in mucky water, with all sorts of filthy creatures lurking within. It was the middle of the day, yet the sun was completely hidden by the dense black clouds which poured mercilessly on the little group.

The cart had been stuck five times in the last couple hours and the bandit and the knight were the ones to pull it free. Refusing to get filth on her clothes, Shir'lene had stayed on the top of the wagon for most of the time. Snoflake was extremely irritated as her hooves often found themselves stuck in muddy holes and made it hard for her to walk. Thus, completely drenched and filthy, Digatros and Sir Ravensworth, with the Royal Guard Recalf were trudging through the marshy swamp while the rest of the group remained snuggled within the cart.

Digatros had lost one of his shoes as some creature had bitten into it and leaving it there was a far better option than latching it free from the death-grip. He sat atop Snowflake with a huff and earned a groan from the animal that was battling her own problems. The rain seemed to increase in intensity and if it kept on doing so it would soon become impossible to travel. The path ahead became almost invisible as the heavy drops blinded their eyes and the swamp-water started to reach their ankles. Branches of mossy trees scratched the feet of the poor animals and made it a hard time for them to move. It was like all of nature had gathered together to halt their journey.

After a few more hours of immense struggle, the group arrived at a bit of elevated ground. The attendants and the warriors cleaned up the area while Shir'lene jumped from branch to branch of the higher trees in search of food.

The fruits needed to be picked very specifically, as most of them in this area was highly poisonous. But Shir'lene knew her fruits very well and soon she had enough for the entire group. Digatros was looking for an opportunity that Shir'lene would slip on a wet branch and he would get to catch her heroically. This situation never occurred as even the mossiest of branches and heaviest of rains could not beat her flawless training.

Somehow the group fitted itself inside the cart and the animals were covered with a few spare cloaks and clothes. Everybody got rid of as much wet clothes as respectfully possible, as a fever in this area was nearly equal to certain death. Digatros, Recalf and Rondar were quite satisfied with their figures until they saw Sir Ravensworth bare-chested. The tank of a man with huge expertly carved muscles ragged with scars and burns put all three to such utter shame that they could not even make eye-contact with the unaware knight.

Though the sight of Shir'lene in her wet tight clothes caught almost everyone's attention, her barbarous way of eating dissolved the tension very easily. After all these days it was very clear that the elf was the one most interested in the meals. The group had decided to turn in early as everybody was extremely exhausted and shivering. 

A few goblins tried to attack them but the dwarfish creatures were more entertainment than a threat. Constantly slipping on the mud and quarreling with each other made them a jolly addition to their sour day. Other than this, a massive wildebeest tried to hump Snowflake and received a stone-cracking kick directly to its ribs. Poor being would never approach any other female in his entire lifetime.

Soon the lanterns were put off and the group went to sleep. Today was Digatros's time to keep guard. He sat in the outer part of the cart near the closed door, daggers in hand and a blanket over his shoulders, watching the heavy rainfall and thunder that filled the surroundings through the window right beside him.

This part of the swamp was the most dangerous part. But, they were at ease a little as the creatures of the rain carries away their smell, thus making them invisible to the predatory creatures. Still, one or two could sneak in and they needed to be prepared. Sir Ravensworth was drunk and waking him up would be fruitless. Thus, if anything appears, he must engage immediately or take the risk to wake Shir'lene up who was sleeping in the inner part.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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