Chapter I : The Bandit

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Everybody was running rampant, with no destination in mind, running to save their families, to save their lives. A grave darkness had fallen over the once peaceful town of Alidora. A darkness that was consuming everything that lay in its path. The rays of the setting sun fell on the countless lifeless bodies and the streams of blood that painted the roads.

The young bandit ran breathlessly through the chaotic streets. A childhood filled with pain and adulthood led with crimes makes a man strong and fast, yet the heart still pains at the sight of loss. The roads filled with memories of the past were now tainted with blood of the innocents and debris of their dreams. As he jumped over a fallen column, his eyes fell on a little girl, whimpering by herself in a corner. Who knew that man who gave his entire life to selfish desires would possess a very human heart.

The bandit, unable to leave her behind, approached hastily and scolded, "What in the nine hells are ya doin here alone girlie, get on my back, we need ta escape or we'll be caught too!"

"Nadhia *sniff* and her papa is stwill in there" , came a weak whimper as she pointed to a half fallen house .

"They be dead already young one, we need ta move now or we'll meet em pretty soon", the bandit tried to reason.

"NO *sniff* I can stwill hear her " came a cry. The bandit already thinking about picking her up nonetheless and make a break for it , when his trained ears actually heard a faint sobbing coming from the rubble.

"I'm bout'ta meet my maker 'ere" thought the man as he cautiously approached the rubble. As he moved a few rocks and chunks of wood he saw in the darkness, crawled in a small crevice, another little girl with a bleeding head, sobbing.

Weighing his options he returned to the other girl and said in a gentle voice "Listen girlie, I'll be goin ta try an get 'er. Ya make a run along with tha crowd an don't stop, Eh?"

"Won'thh leave Nadhia" , declared the stubborn one. A defeated sigh left the man as he picked up the girl and hid her in a more secluded corner .

"Then stay 'ere until I return" he commanded as he thought of a way to get the other one out. Scores of men, women raced through the roads, carrying their children and whatever goods they could carry. Some were on horses , others on mules and the rest were dependant on their own feet. His eyes fell on a fallen wooden beam. After quite some effort, he made it possible to fit into the gap in the rubble and with the help of a rock, used it as a lever to push open quite an area. Then he hopped into the gap to get a clear view of the trapped wench. Her head was bleeding heavily and her left foot was stuck in the crevice. Beside her lay a middle aged man, bashed and beaten with no breath left within. The crowd was becoming thinner.

"They're approachin". With all his strength he pulled up the stone and freed the sobbing 'Nadhia' and hurriedly skittered over to the hiding spot of the other one. He tore a part of his coat and bandaged the head and foot of the young girl. This one seemed a bit older than the other. Then he heard the inhuman battle cries and howling. A shiver ran up his spine as he grabbed both the girls and pushed as deep into the dark corner as he could and sat still.

The light of the sun had almost faded and the red sky had taken an ominous dark shade. Thundering footsteps could be heard from afar, which were followed by the agonizing screams of the fallen. The girls were still whimpering and sobbing.

"Shut yer traps will ye!?" said the terrified man as he shoved his thumbs in their mouths and held them close to his chest. The surroundings suddenly went eerily silent, as a large well built man, skin as green as the grass, approached riding a huge wolf. Following him were a dozen of similar looking beings, all carrying large battle-axes and hammers, all painted with blood. ("Damned Orcs") thought the man as his blood went cold. 'Nadhia' had bitten his thumb in pain and held tightly, but he could not move a single muscle as his breath hitched.

"Tara Gata La Tah'ar ! LOK'TAR OGAR !!" shouted the Orc Captain as he headed away and his company scattered in various directions. A female grunt stood very near the hiding place as she looked here and there, clearly searching for any runaways. Blood trickled down the palm of the bandit where 'Nadhia' had bitten him. Not a single emotion crossed his face as he kept a still watch on the grunt. There was no way his daggers would help him in any way to fight off this tall beast with her warhammer clutched tightly in her hand.

Tychess seemed to favor him as the grunt looked away and ran off for her eye had caught another prey. After quite some time, checking his surroundings, the man slowly crawled out of hiding and ran backwards with the girls clutched in both of his arms.

Growing up in Alidora made him quite familiar with the hidden paths and roads across the city. Following his instincts he made his way to the outskirts of the city, passing under the burning ruins and across the fallen household. He passed countless dead soldiers, mourning civilians, and even some brave warriors trying to hold their own against these bloodthirsty savages. All he could do was hide and run for he was getting exhausted and two more lives now depended on him.

As he almost reached the hind borders of the large city, the moon had risen and was shining bright. Here he found an abandoned mare fastened to a pole, already loaded with a few materials. The orcs seemed to have taken the master yet had left the poor animal alone. Probably for a meal once the city was completely overcome. Fearing their return he almost threw the girls over its back , untied it and galloped away towards the far woods.

The invasion was very sudden. Out of nowhere a horde of over six hundred orcs, all heavily armed and prepared conquered the outer forts of the city at noon and started their violent slaughter of the residents. Countless soldiers, knights, scouts, assassins, tried to provide resistance. Yet their superior numbers and the lack of preparation from the receiving side led to a crushing victory of the Orsimers. This was not their first invasion. Over the past five years, this was the 13th city of the great Beladoran Empire that was invaded by these foul beasts. The invasions were not such often in the past. The Orsimers primarily resided in their own turfs and did not care about the human civilizations, until externally provoked.

But five years ago, the city of Riverfade was invaded by them out of nowhere and since then one after one the large cities fell victim to their blades. There was no knowing what city will be attacked next. These beasts appear suddenly and there comes no news from the scouts or the rangers as to where they are planning their attack or when would their invasion commence. Seemingly their numbers appear from the very air and shaking the grounds they would run to siege their next victim.

The moon was almost overhead when the man reached a quite dense part of the woods and decided it was time the poor animal should be allowed to rest and so should the girls. He tied the mare to a nearby tree and put down the wounded and exhausted girls. 'Nadhia's' bleeding had almost stopped, yet tears still seemed to pour out of her weak eyes. With whatever part of his coat and shirt was left he used those to wrap up the girls and tuck them inside the hollow bark of a tree.

"Who are you" the words came weakly from 'Nadhia'.

"I'm a friend girlie. Call me Digatros".

"I'm Nadia.... she is Reena......Why did...why did you not save papa?"

"Yer old man had already gone to the light girlie. All I did was fulfil his endin wish... save ya and the lil one 'ere." More tears streamed down her cheek but she remained silent. Reena seemed quite drowsy already. As he patted and caressed their heads they slowly fell asleep.

"Ye have heart lil ones. Hope one day I can make these beasts pay far what they took from ya and me" thought Digatros as he sat guarding the entry to the hollow, knowing that this will be a very long night.

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