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I couldn't stop twisting and turning that night

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I couldn't stop twisting and turning that night. My inner self was itching me just to walk over to Kasen's dorm room and tell him the truth. That he had nothing to worry about with Eli and me.

But that would go against the rules, wouldn't it? I didn't want to be broken up with him. I wanted to march into his bedroom and tell him how much I actually love him.

Every single inch of him.

He would always be the only guy that would make me soaking wet without a bare touch. The only guy that could pull me out when I'm concentrated on something. He has the only body I could never take my eyes off. But that's not all. He's so caring on a whole other level. Even if he hated you he would stop everything and help you. When Kasen walked into a room my inner self craved me to smile. Not to mention the feeling in my stomach always appears only around him. It's funny how these days I'm sad but when he was around I couldn't stop being happy. I fucking missed him and his smile. Even his unexpected kisses or the surprise gifts or dates even when he knew I hated surprises.

It was already four in the morning and the sun was lighting up the surroundings so I decided to quietly change into spandex pants and a sports bra with a loose jersey over it before leaving the house. I pressed the earphones into my ear before sending Cassandra a message about my whereabouts.

I remembered when every morning I would go running with Ethan. Maybe now that he is back we can still do that but I know that wouldn't happen. Shaking my head, I focused on the path in front of me and kept running.


"Good morning," I breathlessly said to Cassandra while peeling out my jersey. It was uncomfortable since it was sticking to my body because of how much sweating. "Good morning?" She awkwardly replied. I shrug it off and walked further into the kitchen to get myself bottled water. "I need a fucking party," I tell her as I grabbed the water bottle. "Um..." she trailed off. In the middle of chugging it down, I turn around to see Kasen and Cassandra staring back at me with coffee mugs in their right hands.

I choked on the water and spit it out in the sink. "Sorry um..." I was speechless myself, I wanted to look at him so bad but I couldn't so instead I picked my top off the ground and walked into my room.

What the fuck.

Just when I thought I stopped thinking about him he keeps popping up everywhere.

Kasen Rivear

"I knew I shouldn't have come," I sighed after she slammed the door. "I told you to, it's my fault. I'm just waiting until she realized it was a mistake," Cass called before drinking the remaining sips of her coffee and walking into the kitchen where Eviana previously was.

"I waited for three months and I can't even move on a little. But she already has since she was on a date with Eli," I moved around the cup watching the coffee swish around in circles. "Who knows if he went with her to Ohio or not," I say more to myself. Just that thought made my heart shatter a little more. I meant it when I said that Eviana was going to be the death of me.

"No he didn't she was with Ocean," Cass defended her and I remembered the girl she had posted a picture with on Instagram. "Who is she?" I asked. "One of our old friends. We weren't very close but I guess they got closer or something, she was pretty badass, to be honest, so I guess that's why we liked her so much," Cass explained and I allowed a nod to being my reply.

"I saw on Ethan's Instagram there were a lot of boys at the beach that day..." I remembered. Cassandra was looking at me flatly making me shrug and she rolled her eyes. "Evi isn't like that you know, I'm sure she had a pretty good explanation for the breakup," Cassandra spoke while putting some bread into the toaster.

"An explanation good enough she couldn't tell me?"


Eviana Rose

Thankfully, when I showered and changed Kasen was gone. Not that it mattered because I was leaving to help Ethan with his dorm room and go on a family breakfast. Something we haven't done in a very long time and the first one since Alina was back.

This should be fun.

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