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While reading through the past week's notes, Cassandra walked into our room and stood in front of my desk

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While reading through the past week's notes, Cassandra walked into our room and stood in front of my desk. I closed the book and gave her my attention. "Hey, I was thinking we could have a girl's day today at the mall and maybe we could go buy a build up closet because all my dresses are getting wrinkles," she explained and pointed to the front middle of our room," and we could put it here."

"Uh, sure I'll help you buy it so we could split it in half and half," I replied and began shrugging on new clothes which were my blue ripped jeans and a sweater. I wasn't in the mood to show skin today. It was Sunday after all. We both got ready and before leaving, she picked up her dorm keys and I picked up my car keys.

We ended up truly spending the day at the mall. After buying a build up closet which was a big rectangle. Separating the two sides were thin shelves coming down the middle and iron rods on the other sides to hang up our clothes. Accompanying the closet we both bought clothes racks to hang up our things. Somehow I ended up buying two new tops and a new short dress that

Cassandra was planning on taking me to my first college party too. After shopping, we went to the bookstore and I actually a book to get carried away behind to add to my collection. After that we bought fast food and went home where we spent two hours with the school's drill trying to put up the closet but being the girls we are, we got the job done.


"Second week of school, I can do this," I say to myself, and the first thing I see while walking up the stairs Easton smiling while he was talking to someone I haven't really noticed before. "Hey, uh Ryder this is Eviana, Ev this is Ryder," Easton indicated to us. "Uh hi," I shake his hand that was held out to me. "Nice to meet you both but I should go to my seat, see you guys later?"

"Yeah of course, bye, " Easton replied. Ryder showed us a tight smile before walking down the Isle to his seat. "Isn't he cute?" Easton whispered to me after he was long gone. He was cute. He seemed smart and friendly although we didn't even speak. "Yeah," I agreed with a smile on my face. The classroom hushed as the professor walked into the class.


"Hey," Kasen appeared at my side as I was leaving my last classroom. "Hi..." I was kind of shocked that he was here, walking to my dorm and I guess it showed in my voice. "Uh I just thought I'd say hi to someone familiar," he explained as he stopped in his tracks.


"Yeah, okay...bye," Kasen spun on his heel and walked in the opposite direction.


"Hey," I turn around to see Easton standing in front of me. "So what are you doing Friday?" Easton questioned and I shrug. "I'm not a planning person," I reply and we both began walking to my dorm. "Well, you wanna come with me to a family dinner? I mentioned you to my mom and now she wants to meet you..." he softly says and looks away from my direction, as if embarrassed.

Once again, someone made me speechless. Was Easton taking this friendship a different way? We've only known each other for two weeks after all. "I'm sorry if I weirded you out but I mentioned your the only friend and she insisted on meeting you and-"

"I'll be there. We'll discuss everything tomorrow alright?" I didn't know I agreed on the plans until it was already said. I guess it was worth it because a huge smile was now on his lips. "Great, thank you you're awesome!" Easton grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a two second hug. By the time I was released, he was already running ahead of me.


Sighing, I finally flopped onto my bed after a long day and a weird afternoon.

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