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For one week straight, I would stay up until Kasen called

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For one week straight, I would stay up until Kasen called. It became a routine, I would stay awake an extra hour just to speak to him and then I would leave. It wasn't extra long calls and we mostly spoke about TV shows and random things like that. I still didn't tell him my name although every day he would ask.

Cassandra and I barely speak on social media, only in person. That's just how we are. I haven't seen her since she came over last week so I haven't gotten the chance to ask her who the hell was this person. It was already ten minutes past eleven. He would have called by now. Should I call?


He's a Stanger.

I'm an idiot.

I got ready for bed and settled myself below my pink duvet. I kept twisting and turning. Maybe I should call. It kept bothering me and I concluded I couldn't sleep because of it.

I picked up my phone from the nightstand and called his number. "Stranger, I was just about to call," he says, followed by a yawn. "I butt dialed you," I blurted out the lie quickly. "Hmm...I totally believe you, now...how was your day?" Kasen happily changed the subject.

"Fine," I answered.

"Well I went to the beach today and I'm completely tired yet I knew I wanted to call you," Kasen expressed. "Why's that?" I was curious to know why he wanted to call me. "Because I want to know your name..." he says softly.

"It's lucy," I lied and he laughed.

"That's a lie."

"No, it isn't," I defended myself although it truly was a lie. "Yes, it was because I've asked you for seven days and you've never told me," Kasen points out and I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me.

"Whatever, it isn't Lucy," I admit and Kasen laughed.

"I know."

"You sound like an Emily, or maybe Rose, or Casey," he continued to go on and on about random names.

"It's Eviana."

Why would I tell him that?

I'm so stupid.


"Eviana, that's my name," I repeat and the line is quiet for a couple of seconds. "I believe you," Kasen whispers into the phone.


We talked a bit while he informed me of the silly things he and his friends did at the beach. I learned that he's a college student and not a high school student. That would be weird. "Hey Kasen, how old are you?" I ask randomly. "Nineteen and soon to be twenty, you?" He casually responded. I could hear the tiredness in his voice yet neither of us wanted to end the call yet.

"Twenty three," I lied.

"Somehow I think that's true," Kasen admits with a chuckle and I roll my eyes again. "Is my name familiar to you?" I questioned with the thought of Cassandra. Maybe I should ask him about her but I don't trust him. I told him my name, yes but I was good at lying.

"No it isn't, why?"

"I think you forgot about my friend," I point out and he groaned. "Great, now I have to figure out who's that friend..." Kasen huffed. Say goodbye, Eviana. Before you get any closer to this unknown man. Maybe there was a reason why Casandra didn't tell me who he is.

"Yup, anyways, goodnight Kasen," I forced myself to say. "Goodnight Eviana," he whispered into the speaker before the line cut. As expected, there was a frown on my face.

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