Chapter 14: Do you believe in Werewolves?

Start from the beginning

  I started to get annoyed. "Are you trying to guilt trip me?" I said my temper starting to rise. "No, I'm not trying to guilt trip you Marinette. I'm just trying to say how disappointed I am. Ever since you moved back to Paris, you haven't been the same girl that I used to know. It's just disappointing." She said, her tone was rather bitter.

  I felt my blood starting to boil. "People change Alya, it's part of growing up. Do you really prefer that painfully shy and wimpy Marinette who was practically afraid of her own shadow?" I said anger lacing my tone.

"I would've preferred the wimpy Marinette, over the moody and distant Marinette that I've got now." Alya said her tone equally as angry.

"If you had experienced what I've experienced, you'd be acting the same way as me!" I exclaimed starting to lose control.

"If what you've experienced was so terrible, then tell me about it so I can understand why you're like this!" She yelled at me, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.

"It's none of your business!" I yelled my temper finally getting the best of me.

  My claws grew out, drawing blood. My canines sharpened and my eyes turned yellow. Alya looked at me in shock and took a step back in fear. "M-Marinette yo-your e-eyes are-!" She started to say stuttering in fear. "What? My eyes are what Alya?! Say it! Tell me what you see!" I yelled stepping towards her.

  "Y-you're eyes are yellow!" She screamed. "Really? I had no idea." I said, rolling my eyes sarcastically.

  I stepped closer to Alya and she cowered on the floor shaking. At this point, I had no control over my body or my thoughts. I kept trying to gain control, but my inner wolf had a hold on me.

"Marinette please stop, you're scaring me!" Alya pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"Marinette's not here right now!" I yelled, not having any control over what I was saying.

'Please, stop! Don't hurt her!' I pleaded in my mind.

'Sorry honey, but I'm in control now and this girl has seen too much. We can't let anyone else find out about us, remember?' A deep, yet soothing female voice said.

'Wh-who said that?' I thought, officially terrified.

'So you can finally hear me, huh? Well it's about time. I've been trying to talk to you for years.' The voice said.

'Who are you?' I thought.

'Selene. Your inner wolf. I'm like your spiritual sister. I've existed ever since you were turned. We're two entities, sharing one body. But you've been suppressing me for years. I haven't been able to take control.' The voice replied.

'I have an inner wolf?' I thought.

'Every werewolf does. I've been waiting for years for this day to come.' She replied.

'What do you mean?' I thought.

'For years, you've managed to keep me suppressed with your strong mental control. But now, when you're so stressed from everything going on in your life, you don't have the mental strength to hold me back.' Selene replied.

  My body inched closer to the cowering Alya. 'Listen Selene, I'm sorry that I've kept you suppressed for so long. But please don't kill Alya, she's my best friend.' I pleaded.

Selene growled. 'Do you truly care for this weak and pathetic creature?' She asked.

  'I do. She's one of the most important people in my life.' I replied internally crying.

Selene sighed. 'Then I will spare her, but you must make sure that she never breathes a word of this to anyone, do you understand?' She asked.

'I do. I'll make sure that she never tells anyone.' I replied. I heard Selene sigh in exasperation and then suddenly, I had control of my body again.

  I fell to the floor on my hands and knees. My claws and other 'wolfy' features disappeared. I panted in exhaustion, it was tiring to fight my inner wolf for control.

I looked up at Alya. "Are-are you alright Alya?" I asked trying to catch my breath. She was shaking in fear but she nodded her head. I had a relieved smile on my face. I'm so glad that I didn't just kill my best friend.


We sat on the floor in silence for a few minutes, both trying to process what just happened. Finally Alya spoke up. "Marinette?" She said quietly. "Yes Alya?" I replied.

"Can you explain to me what the hell just happened?" She asked. I sighed deeply. I guess I have no choice now.

  I looked at her. "Alya, do believe in Werewolves?"


* Hiya! Okay, I definitely didn't expect to write a chapter today. I usually write chapters on Saturdays or Sundays, never Wednesdays. But I had an idea, so I wrote it down before I could forget it. So here you go, an early chapter.

*Also I have an important announcement, regarding my other 'miraculous' story.

I agonized over it for weeks, and even though I thought I could write new chapters for it, I've realized that I've completely run out of ideas for it. I know that I promised that I would finish that story, but I've realized that I just can't continue it.

I already have this one going and it's much more popular than the other one. Not to mention, I have so many other stories going on right now and I have much more interest in those.

  So I apologize for the inconvenience, but 'Reunited: A Miraculous Ladybug fan fiction' is officially discontinued. In fact, I might even delete it all together.

*Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will write more of them soon. Bye for now!

PS: sorry again about discontinuing the other book.

Edited: March 12th, 2024

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