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Dabi's P.O.V

My entire life I've had depression, hell thats what having an abusive dad does to a person. But what people get wrong is that depression isn't some feeling that just makes you sad all the time, and it's not just something that can change with a happy attitude. Depression is like a second voice in your head that always tells you things in the worst moments. Depression is crying at little things because holding in your emotions gets to be too much for you. It's like trying to find your way around your house in the dark. You think you know the way and that you don't need light to help you. But every time you think you know where you're going you run into something. But you're hopeless because there's no light guiding you through this, you're all alone in the dark. You thought you knew how to do this on your own but you slowly learn that your hopeless and have no chance and so you accept that and give up looking for the light switch.

The dark is depression and the light is happiness. That light switch is what will show you how to find that happiness. For me The league is the light switch and hawks is the light. Before hawks I never felt like trying to be happy but now that he's in my life I actually enjoy being alive. And enjoying life after hating it for so long is an amazing feeling. But I lost that amazing feeling when I lost hawks. I want to find that amazing feeling again but I don't want to have the fear of loosing it again.

Without hawks I'm just blindly wondering around the dark with no idea where I am or where I'm heading. With hawks I'm scared of what we'll do together but it's the fun kind of scared. It's the kind of scared where you're excited to find out what happens, but when you're wondering around in the dark alone then it's the sad kind of scary. The scary where you don't want to find out what happens next but you have to.

I would rather deal with that exciting scary then this sad scary. I don't want to wonder alone in the dark anymore, I want to wonder around the light looking forward to what happens next. Hawks may not be the only light I have in my life but he's the brightest one. If I want to have a bright life and get rid of the dark then I have to have hawks in my life. He's my gateway to happiness. Heartbreak is part of life but instead of it being a sad thing it's a look into ourselves. It shows us how we deal with emotions, and let's us deal with it. Of course it's a sad thing but it can lead to happy things.

We all have to wonder through the dark a little, because it makes the light so much better. What I've gone through my entire life is dark and sad and hawks can't just fix all of it, but hawks can help. He makes me want the light so much more then before. Depression doesn't have to hold me back forever. Because no matter how dark things get, there's always gonna be some light, you just have to wonder a little. No not wonder.

You have to search for it. You have to want that light and then find it yourself. I want to be happy. I want to wake up and feel good. I don't want to have to bottle up my emotions. I want to enjoy life. And hawks is the start of me being able to do that.

So I decide to stop wondering, and start searching.

I go to hawks' hospital room because I'm tired of wondering blindly through life. I'm ready to find the light that makes me happy.

Hawks P.O.V

He didn't say any words but his face and eyes said it all. I ignored all the pain screaming through my body and I got up pulling him towards me and kissed him. We shared a nice short soft kiss and yet it translated all our emotions. I know this sounds super cheesy but, sometimes you need a little cheesy in your life.

"Does this mean we can date again?" I ask but immediately feel a wave of sadness as he shakes his head no.

"I don't want to date you hawks" ohmyfuckingbirdgod HES GETTING ON ONE KNEE, no calm down hawks don't get too excited.

"W-What's this ho-hotstuff" HEPULLEDOUTARINGOHMYGOD

"I don't want to date you anymore because I want to marry you, I know that I'm not the best choice for you. But you're the brightest light in my life that I've ever seen and I've never been happier then when I'm with you. So please marry me, I'll stop being a villain for you, I'll do anything because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So hawks Please turn my sad life into a happy one" 

"What did you expect? Of course i will!" I hug him tightly knocking him back slightly as he hugged back "by the way touya, my real name is Keigo takami, don't tell anyone though"

"Wow that's a nice name" we smiled and kissed.

Eventually I got released from the hospital and Being the number 2 hero I was able to get all of Touya's charges cleared despite some friction from other hero's and the public but it worked out thank god. I convinced touya to reunite with his family. Endeavor didn't want to accept it at first but eventually he did, touya won't ever forgive him completely and Endeavor accepted that thankfully.

Fuyumi was over joyed to have her twin brother back even after he was a villain. Natsuo was happier then I'd ever seen him to have his big (yet still shorter) brother back after thinking he was dead for years. Shouto didn't have much of a reaction but he was still glad to have his big brother back and part of the family. Rei was taken aback first by the fact he became a villain but soon she and touya had one of the most emotional reunions I'd ever seen. It was still adorable and so wholesome to watch though.

Eventually with class 1-A graduating and beginning hero work I soon started to lose my number 2 hero spot and got knocked down to the number 5 spot. Not too far of a difference but it's still better because I get less attention. As for me and touyas relationship,

We had a beautiful beach wedding with all of our friends and family and it was perfect. We took a honeymoon tour around the world. However after a few years of being together we decided that it was about time we became being parents. After all even shouto had his own kid. So we found a surrogate willing to help us out and we had our kid. A beautiful little girl named Tori (which means bird in Japanese, don't blame me I saw a chance and took it)  Todoroki. She's still a baby or course but she'll grow into a beautiful woman and god that'll be an emotional roller coaster but I'm ready to take it on with touya by my side.

I don't know what the future has in store but I'm excited to find out, as long as I have Tori and a Touya in my life then I feel like I can take on anything.

"At least that's how I remember our story going, i guess the point of telling everyone is that I want our memories to last forever....even if he- even if our- no his life didn't last forever..."


well guess I have to deal with an angry husband tonight.

Authors note: wow this story is over. Thank you to everyone who ever took time to read this. I'm glad that I was able to make something that so many people enjoyed. The take on depression in the beginning of this chapter is my interpretation of depression and how I feel about it and I hoped that maybe I was able to help some people understand it a little more. So now that this story is over tell me if there's any other stories you would like from me, or possibly a sequel? :)
Thank you to everyone who commented on this and upvoted it. It made my day to read every single comment and really kept me going even though my life right now makes me want to return my life and die. I guess what I'm trying to say is that everyone who read this and commented and upvoted really helped me mentally to know that there was people who I was able to make them enjoy a few moments of their day. Thank you for anyone who stuck around and read this whole authors note I just really want you guys to know how much I appreciate every single one of you. And if there's ever a single day where you need someone to talk to then just find me and I'm here for you.

And with that Why You? Has been completed. :)

The final word count is: 1569

Why you? (hotwangs ship)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon