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Dabi's P.O.V

I sighed and sat next to him, that caused him to tighten his grip on himself and scoot away from me as far as he could without falling off the bed. 
"Come on hawks I'm sorry for yelling, we're both probably just tired."  I was really only ever good at comforting my siblings, I always had more trouble with hawks.
"Come on hawks I won't do it again I promise."

"It doesn't matter what you promise, promises are meaningless Dabi."

I sighed guess Im gonna have to actually try to comfort him, or I could just leave him alone. No Dabi be a decent human being for once. So I patted his head as if saying hey I'm right here for you. He calmed down a little which is good, progress.

"Hey birdbrain come on out, what's got you so upset anyways? Did I hurt your feelings?"  Shit that sounded more like I was teasing him, oops?

"It's not you Dabi, it's not just one anything. It's- never-mind " he stopped himself why?

"Come on hawks you can tell me what's wrong."

"Why would I tell you? You're only hanging around me so that you can kill me as soon as I mess up remember. Because that's all anyone ever wants from me. All they do is hang around me so that they can suck me dry of all my emotions and as soon as I mess up just A tiny bit they all run away. Because no matter how many times that someone promises they'll stay around with me forever... they leave when I need them most because Im just some government pawn that'll be killed the moment Im not useful anymore." Oh god that's not how it was supposed to go I think I set him off- oh god he's crying now I hate when people do that. Come on Dabi just leave him be. Touya would make him feel better- but touya was a weakling who died all those years ago. Im Dabi now not touya, but my god hawks looks like he needs someone, anyone. Someone like touya. And although he was a pathetic weakling, he was a pathetic weakling that made everyone feel better even if he wasn't. Hawks needs someone time touya right now. Guess I'll be that someone, plus I used to be touya so it can't be that hard right? And'll make him trust me more... which will make it a villain who's gonna...kill...him.

Hawks P.O.V

Now I know what you're saying, hawks you're breaking down infront of the enemy again. Get you're life together sweetie. All you did was yell at each other for a few seconds. How can you be a pro if that makes you cry?

Well for you're information that's not why I'm breaking down, but you're still kinda right. I've been stuffing my emotions into a tiny bottle and hoping that it would work out. Well Surprisingly that doesn't work. I guess yelling at each other was just the breaking point for my bottle of emotions I've stored since I was just a little kid on a dirt poor island. And I know how pathetic it is for me to be upset but- wait a god damn fucking minute. Dabi just hugged me. His arms are around me. I look up and I stop hugging my knees mainly in shock. He seems upset too, I don't want to seem like an ass and besides it's my job to make people feel better so I hug him back. I can tell he's a little shocked but despite that he buries his face in my shoulder and... he starts crying? Wow didn't expect that bacon boy could cry. Oh well time to do my job. Normally I wouldn't let anyone at all touch my wings especially not a villain...but who gives a fuck anymore if I die then hurray I die. Dabi starts sobbing, man he's really upset. I wrap my wings around him protectively and rub his back. After a while he falls asleep probably from exhausting himself by crying so hard. I carefully lay him back on the bed next to me. He may hate me but I don't hate him so I'll be a nice person. I pull the covers over the both of us. He snuggles into the pillow and it's pretty cute. I know I can't sleep right now so I open the drawer to my nightstand and pull out the picture of Touya for the first time in ages. Just seeing his face fills me with emotions I haven't felt in a while. I lay Down bury myself under my wings and the covers and tightly hug the picture soon crying myself into a nice heavy sleep, just the way I like it.

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